【禁聞】黨校主任誇中共 評:掩耳盜鈴聲太大







大陸資深媒體人 高瑜:「他講的是謊話,如果真沒有讓人民失望就不需要他講了,人民就會擁護了。包括香港『七一大遊行』,就會歌功頌德了,慶祝回歸了,而不是抗議了。」








採訪/白梅 編輯/尚燕 後製/肖顏

A communist party school director praises CCP just like a thief covers his ears when stealing a bell

To celebrate the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) 91st
Anniversary of Foundation, Xinhua Net published a series of articles on “belief."
On July 3, in an exclusive interview, Cao Pu, Vice Director
of the Party History Research Center at the Central Party School, talked about CCP members’ belief.
Cao claimed that after taking power, the CCP,"hasn’t let
people down."
His words aroused ridicule among Chinese netizens.

Cao Pu said, at the beginning of the article, that since the CCP
took power in 1949, it has finished the task of “saving China,"
establishing belief in “Marxism," and beginning “socialist
Though there have been mistakes, CCP corrected them
without changing its belief.

In the late 1980s and early 1990s, the East Europe Great
Change and the Disintegration of the Soviet Union, indicated the failure of “Marxism" in Europe.
Cao Pu said that now the largest challenge the CCP faces
is whether it can maintain its “progressiveness and purity,"
“the ultimate goal of serving people heart and soul,"
and confidence in socialism’s victory.

He believes that during the whole process and the opening-up,
CCP didn’t disappoint Chinese people or the rest of the world.

Once published, this Xinhua Net’s exclusive interview with
Cao Pu aroused massive criticism and ridicule among netizens.
Two netizens from Guangdong Province both asked for
democratic processes to verify Cao’s statements.
One remarked that the CCP will know immediately from votes
how successful it has been, that it shouldn’t always feel
so good about itself and praise itself, and that this type
of narcissism is quite repulsive.
The other said that all boastfulness should be placed aside
and the people’s votes should be looked at.

Gao Yu, senior China Journalist, said that as a party school’s
PhD candidate supervisor and a “party hack," Cao speaks for the profit of authorities.

Gao Yu, senior China Journalist: “He’s lying.

If CCP didn’t disappoint people, then people are all with them
and Cao doesn’t have to say those words.
Look at the “July 1 Great Parade" in Hong Kong,
it would have been a celebration instead of a protest then."

Gao Yu said, to suppress people’s anger, the CCP is spending
more money than the military expenditure to maintain stabilization.
Hong Kong’s “July 1 Great Parade" despite the underground
party member Leung Chun-ying, the new chief executive,
and CCP’s interference in Hong Kong, was a display
of public opinion.
So Cao’s statements are not even worth refuting.

Gao Yu: “Why the news in Hong Kong couldn’t be seen
in China? They are unconfident.
Cao』s statements are not even worth refuting. You will know
by just looking what Hong Kong people are trying to say.
Now they spend a lot of money to suppress the public,
and that’s because people are not satisfied with them."

Jiang Tianyong, Chinese rights lawyer, said that the CCP
doesn’t only let down the public, but also its own members.

Jiang Tianyong, Chinese rights lawyer: “CCP doesn’t
only let down the public, but also its own members.
Many exposed officials were found to have more than one
passport each, and it is obvious where they want to go.
They send their sons and daughters abroad but work
along in China. What’s that for?
Obviously we know that they want to hold on to their
property as much as possible when they are in trouble.
With so many passports, they can go wherever they want."

Lawyer Jiang Tianyong has seen party members nearby
criticizing CCP harshly in the background.
He said that CCP’s regime is not attractive to anyone now.

Jiang Tianyong: “They have no belief now.
They joined the party for prestige, money and power.
But they know so well that this world view has gone bankrupt.
How many people in China are talking about Marxism?
Even textbooks no longer talk about it."

Bo Xilai’s downfall triggered unprecedented struggle
within the party.
Not only Chinese people are closely watching it, the US, with
a huge amount of evidence from Wang Lijun, as well as France,
Germany and Japan, are all reporting the murder of an English
businessman by Bos wife.
Facing such a party, how can a democratic country not be
