【禁聞】韓媒爆中國領導人為形象 拿低工資







中國民主黨成員 高洪明:「中國(共)領導人工資低,但是它福利大,這是其他國家領導人所不能享有的。」









採訪/李倩倩 編輯/宋風 後製/李若琳

Korean Media Blast Chinese Leaders’ Phony Low Wages

South Korean media reported that the monthly salary
of Hu Jintao, Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Central
Military Commission Chairman, is only 21,119 Yuan.

Vice Chairman Xi Jinping’s monthly
salary is 20,888 Yuan.
This is substantially lower in comparison
with Western leaders.
It is said that in order to emphasize the image,
CCP leaders will continue to maintain low wages.
Scholars point out that the privileges of CCP leaders
are much higher than those of leaders in other countries.
Their family assets are also much higher.

According to the Korean Daily News, the monthly salary
of Hu Jintao, Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Central
Military Commission Chairman, is only 21,119 Yuan.

Vice President Xi Jinping has a monthly
salary of 20,888 Yuan.
In 2006, the Peoples Republic of China State Council
announced President Hu Jintao’s monthly salary as about 3000 Yuan.
Compared with the U.S. President or Chief Executive
of Hong Kong, this was deemed “negligible".
In order to emphasize an image of serving the people,
it is said that CCP leaders will maintain low wages.

However, Korean Daily News also acknowledged
that senior officers enjoy better benefits.
Dissident writer Dai Qing exposed that the low wages
of Chinese Communist leaders is a “joke"; it is meaningless.

Dai Qing: “Today when you look at jobs,
everyone wants be a civil servant?
Look at the huge crowds for the civil
service exam every time.
You know, it is not only Hu Jintao,
but every civil servant.
Their income and potential income, their ‘grey income’,
is much better than ordinary citizens."

Gao Hongming, member of the China
Democracy Party, commented.
The CCP’s privilege system is not only reflected
in their enjoying basic necessities and medical care.
It is also reflected in their income and corruption.

Gao Hongming: “The wages of Chinese leaders are low,
but their benefits are far beyond leaders of other countries.”

Dr. Wang Xiaolu, Deputy Director of the China Reform
Foundation, National Economic Research Institute,
highlighted this in his report,
‘Analysis of China’s Grey Income’
The income of the richest group in 2008
could be as high as 9.3 trillion Yuan.

In addition, besides grey income,
“privileged consumption" is really startling.
Wang Xixin, a special researcher at the National
People’s Congress revealed that
costs of going abroad at the public’s expense, including food,
drink and transportation, is 1.9 trillion RMB in one year.
This accounts for 4.15% of the total GDP
and 18.3% of the national fiscal revenue.
This is much larger than the defense spending,
and investment in education and health.

This is different than in other countries.

In Korea, if a civil servant receives 1800 Yuan
in bribery, he will be dismissed.
In Seoul, the capital with a population of 12 million,
there are only four vehicles for officials.
They are for the mayor and three deputy mayors.

The cost of an official reception per person per meal
cannot exceed 180 Yuan,
Daily travel expenses cannot exceed 240 Yuan.

However, in China, some people get high wages.
In 2007, according to publicly available information,
three directors and executives of the “Peace Company"
had a pre-tax salary of more than 40 million Yuan.
In 2011, the chairman and CEO of “SDB"
had a pre-tax salary of 22.85 million Yuan.
Wang Shi, the chairman of the company “Wan Ke”,
had a pre-tax annual salary of 15.04 million Yuan.

Freelance writer Liu Yiming pointed out those officials from
the Standing Committee of the Politburo get what they want.
Their family makes a ton of money because of their power.
Their wealth is much more than foreign heads of state.

Liu Yiming: “Low wages, high power.
They acquire legitimate income from their power.
For example, Hu Jintao’s son Hu Haifeng
is head of Tsinghua University.
Jiang Zemin’s son is a chief of China Netcom.

Li Peng’s family is in control of the power industry,
so they all can make a lot of money.”

In 2010, CCP State media “Xinhua News Agency,"
admitted that China’s Gini coefficient reached 0.47.
This exceeded the 0.4 internationally recognized
warning line, and is rising year by year.
China’s wealth gap is approaching the tolerated
red line for the social community.

The UK’s “Financial Times" there are lots of causes
for China’s uneven dsitribution of wealth.
These include China’s urban and rural land system,
the household registration system, social security system,
industry’s health care system, allocation of resources
and an uneven compulsory education system.
Behind all these unfair systems lies
the central issue of the political system.
