【禁聞】訪民貢獻GDP 學者:鎮壓花銷無底洞

【新唐人2012年7月16日訊】中國大陸大批維穩人員毆打、攔截上訪民眾,已經成為北京和各省省會天天發生的事情。大陸經濟學家指出,當局鎮壓訪民的花銷是個無底洞。而有訪民向本臺記者證實,他們也為申冤花錢無數。日前,浙江杭州維權人士呂耿松發表文章指出,訪民因上訪創造的GDP,是一種中國特有的「上訪經濟學」 。











採訪/劉惠 編輯/李蓮 後製/周天

“Petitioning Economics” Created in China

A large number of official forces for stability preservation
and petitioner interception have become commonplace across China.
China’s economists have criticized the authorities for pouring
money into a bottomless pit for moving against petitioners.
Some Chinese petitioners confirmed that they have spent
large amounts of money on their petitioning.
Recently, a Hangzhou-based rights-defending activist
commented on the petitioning-created GDP,
which was named “petitioning economics” with the
characteristics of the Chinese Communist Party.

These receipts are proofs of postage by petitioner Xia Shuli
for his appealing
against the official enforced house demolition in Ji’an, Zhejiang.
The expenses add up to 1,250 RMB
in terms of GDP figures.

GDP refers to Gross Domestic Product, the market value of

all officially recognized final goods and services produced
within a country in a given period, according to Wikipedia.
It is deemed the main tool for measuring
a country’s economy.

The article, “Petitioning-created GDP in China”, authored by
Lü Gengsong, a rights-defending activist in Hangzhou, Zhejiang, revealed that
the annual figure of nationwide petitioners is over 500,000.

Only the postal fees can contribute RMB 625 million
for China’s GDP values.
Lü mocked the CCP authorities that their reason for
failing to redress petitioners’ grievances may be
because of the harvesting of this petitioning-created GDP.

He called it a “petitioning economics”
with CCP characteristics.

Gong Shengli (chief researcher, China Realities Insight
magazine): “On one side are crowds of petitioners,
on the other are layers of petition-interception forces.

Only when counted as GDP, will these official expenses be
covered by financial allocations.”

Besides mailing appeal letters, a great number of petitioners
went on to petition in Beijing away from their homes.
Han Suhua, a petitioner living in Hong Kong over 30 years,
spent four years shuttling back and forth to obtain a divorce certificate.

Han Suhua (HK): “My annual cost for petitioning is nearly
100,000 RMB to cover accommodation, meals, and commuting expenses in Beijing.
I myself had to pay the medical bills for the injuries caused
by beatings, and the authorities also imprisoned me 12 times.
This is the minimum of the costs incurred.

Petitioning has cost me so much, while Civil Affairs
authorities also spent a lot on funding this has all been used to cause me harm.”

Shanghai-based petitioner Wang Kema reveals that
the expenses for preparing the appeal documents alone are considerable.

Wang Kema: “As it involves litigation and filing complaints.

I’ve spent several tens of thousands RMB
just to produce appeal documents.
You have to pay for these documents,
Which can cost over 50,000 RMB at least.
If you do not produce them, you’ll certainly lose your appeal.”

Lü Gengsong’s article has raised a question,
“whether GDP is the stepping stone for Chinese officials’ career rise or the depth of their evil:
for GDP, they plundered the farmers’ lands, and
evicted urban residents from their houses;
for GDP, they destroyed the geographic environment,
and exhausted national resources;
for GDP, they groveled and betrayed
the national interests;
for GDP, they created official figures to
fool the public.
In all, they did everything they could,
just for the GDP figures.”

The job of petitioner-interception is under the jurisdiction of
the stability preservation effort,
led by the CCP’s Political and Legislative Affairs
Committee (PLAC).
Since the former CCP head Jiang Zemin suppressed
Falun Gong, the PLAC’s power has continued to grow.
Until this year’s outbreak of
the Wang Lijun and Bo Xilai incidents
the PLAC was reported to have become
“the 2nd power center" of the CCP.
