【禁聞】7副猛藥 民間資本能救中國經濟?















採訪編輯/劉惠 後製/鍾元

Can Private Investment Save China?

Recently the Premier Wen Jiabao chaired a State Council
standing committee meeting,
to understand “the implementation details
to encourage private investment.”
The meeting requires relevant regions’ departments
to launch key private investments projects in seven key areas.
Overseas experts think, with China’s state-owned economy,
encouraging private investment may indicate the government has run out of money.
This could also be a cruel deception
of private enterprises.

Premier Wen Jiabao chaired a State Council
standing committee meeting on July 30.
He listened to the status of “the implementation details
to encourage private investment.”
He said, regional departments need to hurry up and launch
key projects with private investment in various areas.
Like railways, municipal and energy firms,
telecommunications, finance, health and education.

There was a similar previous initiative in 2010,
However it has not picked up.
Beijing internal affair researcher Gong Shengli,
suggested what could be the reason for Wen’s speech.
Gong thinks it is the collapse of mid and small businesses,
caused by the investment chain fall in the Wenzhou area.

However, Gong Shengli thinks that monopoly of large state-
owned enterprises is the key issue of China’s economy.
Gong Shengli revealed that out of the 4 trillion Yuan,
to stimulate the economy after the 2008 financial crisis, the Ministry of Railway alone took 2 trillion.

Gong Shengli: “State-owned enterprises have networks.
They hold all the businesses.
Under such a monopoly, who would dare to step in?
Everything is controlled by the government.
There is no fair environment.
You want to attract capital, but who would dare to come."

Britain’s Financial Times published an article on July 30,
stating that China’s economic growth is slowing down.
Though relatively mild, the corporate profits are declining.
China is now in its most unfavorable times for investors.

The report states that the H1 profit of state-owned enterprises,
which account for majority of China’s economy, declined 11.6% compared to last year.
It is its weakest performance since 2008.

Petrochemical and metal sectors were impacted the most.
The steel industry is a disastrous sector.

In addition, the economic slowdown also caused
reduced number of passengers in China’s airlines.
Air China expects its H1 profits
to have dropped by over 50%.

Professor Xie Tian of Aiken School of Business at
University of South Carolina spoke on the issue.
Prof. Xie disclosed, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
relies on the economy to justify its ruling legitimacy. Thus it has entered a dead end.
He said both, China’s central bank cutting interest rates twice,
and the Premier’s speech now are indicative that the Chinese government is running out of money.
Thus the CCP tries a variety of ways
to attract private capital.

Prof. Xie Tian: “I think the hard landing of China’s economy
had already begun, looking at it from this perspective.
Chinese government is actually out of money at all levels,
so now it is using a variety of programs and plans to pull private capital as to boost China’s economic development."

The meeting requires related departments of each area to
create a fair, transparent and predicable market environment.

Xie Tian reminded that private entrepreneurs in China, like
railways, municipal and energy firms, telecommunications and finance, are fully controlled by the CCP’ interest groups.
The professor warns that one should think twice
before investing in these areas.

Prof. Xie Tian: “It is not fair to private capital and businesses.

In a normal country, one has to release equity to get investment,
and draw more funds.
But the CCP will not release ownership at all.
So it is a blatant deception.”

Gong Shenli thinks that due to over 60 years of monopoly,
there is no investment environment in China now.
