【禁聞】非典十年 重大信息披露進步了嗎?

【新唐人2013年03月02日訊】嚴重急性呼吸綜合症(Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome,SARS)—— 薩斯,中國大陸稱為「非典」。10年前,中國大陸有5327人感染「非典」、349人死亡。這場嚴重的公共衛生危機改變了許多人的命運。當年因揭露薩斯病而遭到中共當局軟禁的蔣彥永醫生也是其中一位。他在「SARS十週年紀念座談會」上再度強調:真話的重要性。另外,大陸媒體刊登有關薩斯危機發生十週年的長篇報導。報導認為,當年薩斯病的發生,對中共政府重大信息披露起到了重大促進作用。然而有評論指出,表面上,中共是有一套重大訊息披露程序,但實際上還要看領導的意圖行事。














採訪/劉惠 編輯/黃億美 後製/郭敬

Any Progress on Information Disclosure?

Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, (SARS), was called
‘atypical pneumonia’ in mainland China.
10 years ago, (Chinese media) reported 5,327 people infected
with SARS in mainland China and 349 people died.
This serious public health crisis has changed the
fate of many people.
Dr. Jiang Yanyong, who exposed the SARS epidemic, was under
house arrest by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
He once again stressed during the SARS 10th anniversary
symposium the importance of telling the truth.
In addition, the mainland media published lengthy reports
about the SARS epidemic tenth anniversary.
The report said that when SARS occurred, it played a significant
role in promoting disclosure of major information to the CCP.
However, it was said that, on the surface, the CCP has a set of
information disclosure procedures.
In reality it acts according to the leadership’s intent.

On February 28th the SARS 10th anniversary symposium
was held in Beijing.
More than 20 medical personnel, SARS patients,
and the media were invited to attend.
Jiang Yanyong was also invited under house arrest due to
exposing SARS.
Jiang, aged 82, stressed that “It is most important to tell the truth,
but not difficult, do not be afraid to say anything wrong.”

According to reports, He Yanguang, the director of photos
of the China Youth Daily also attended.
He recalled the process of the outbreak of the SARS epidemic.

He said," We heard in February, but were only allowed
to report on April 20th. We media were too obedient,"
He also said that, 10 years later, some things still cannot
be spoken out loud.

Internet writer Jing Chu: “Western media duties
are to expose the ugly dark things in the society.
But media in China reported nothing but good news,
and even handle a funeral as a happy event.
The people felt better to die rather than to live.

The (CCP) media were full of the joy of spring saying the
situation is excellent, not trivial, but getting better and better.
This played a role to blind and anesthetize the people."

The latest issue of Newsweek in mainland China also published
lengthy reports about the SARS crisis tenth anniversary.
The authors suggested that when SARS occurred, it played a
“significant role in promoting disclosure of information to the CCP,
becoming a turning point and milestone in the history
of public health.”

Independent scholar Zhu Jianguo in Shenzhen
was interviewed by Radio Free Asia.
He said he did not see any progress of the CCP in the
disclosure of major information because of SARS.

Zhu Jianguo: “I read in the newspaper that in Guangdong
there were foot-and-mouth disease outbreaks.
Although it was reported, the epidemic is now very serious.

There was no information disclosure of the epidemic when
it just appeared. Just as SARS, it was not disclosed initially.
When the development of the epidemic couldn’t be concealed,
the CCP only then disclosed it to the public.
Xi Jinping said the Government should listen more to criticism,
actually see the forums of comment and criticism become fewer."

Political critic Lan Shu told NTD television that there are deep-
rooted relations between the CCP officials;
if officials spoke the truth, it will indeed affect them all.

Lan Shu: “There is a promotion relationship between
the CCP officials of different levels.
This makes the relationship become deeply rooted.
It indeed affects the whole body, if one tells the truth.
So he will have to consider whom will be affected among
those who promoted him and whom he promoted.
He will be considered a big problem,
so consequently he said nothing in the end."

Lan Shu also said that the so-called progress of message
disclosure is thanks to the Internet.

Lan Shu: “Since the internet developed, a lot of things could
not be concealed by the (CCP), then it had to disclose them.
But for some news having a direct threat to the stability of
the CCP regime, it is will never report it.”(Voice from RFA)

Zhu Jianguo also believes that in the disclosure of
major information,
China just developed a disclosure program which
looks very nice, but depends on leadership intending to act.

Zhu Jianguo: “If principal leaders did not allow it,
nobody dared to disclose major information.
The information disclosure procedures developed are
false and inane.
It’s like the Chinese Constitution and relevant laws
are enacted well, but how they were actually carried out?"

Zhong Nanshan, an academic of China Academy of Engineering,
was also a public figure in the movement against SARS.
In a recent media interview, he also said currently to respond to
public health emergencies, the most prominent problem is the coverage and reporting of disease information.
He said, the reported number of cases and deaths
in some regions were not accurate enough.
“It is related to some local officials worried that these figures
will affect their own achievements.”
