【禁聞】維穩升級 張先玲﹕中共懼「六四」





天安門母親 張先玲:「我覺得它(中共)是在逃犯心理,你比如說你殺了人了,在逃了,人家多看你一眼都嚇的跑,以為別人會認出它是殺人的。」













採訪編輯/李韻 後製/李智遠

Crackdown On Dissidents Intensifies before June 4th

On the eve of the 24th anniversary of the June 4th incident,

China’s citizens have continued to apply to the authorities
for assembly and processions.
The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has increased
surveillance over and detention of dissidents.
One of “Tiananmen Mothers”, Zhang Xianling, and
her husband were blocked on their trip to attend an event being held in Hong Kong.
Zhang says that the CCP, like a fugitive murderer,
fears the arrival of June 4th.

Zhang Xianling’s husband is China’s renowned
Pipa master, Wang Fandi.
In March, Wang was invited to give a speech and to act as
adviser for the Hong Kong International Youth Pipa Competition.

The Zhang Xianling couple was scheduled to
set off on their trip on May 29.
Now they were forced to cancel the trip, after having
been repeatedly obstructed by the CCP authorities.
The event organizer, under pressure, informed Wang
that the authorities had canceled the invitation.

Zhang Xianling reveals that they had been scheduled to
stay in Hong Kong for three days and to return on June 1.
They didn’t plan to participate in local “June 4th” activities.

Zhang Xianling: “I feel that the CCP has
a fugitive murderer-style mentality.
Suppose an escaped criminal has killed a person.

If one looked at him repeatedly, he would be too scared to
run away, as he fears being recognized as the killer.”

Zhang Xianling’s son, Wang Nan, was killed
during the June 4th Massacre in 1989.
Wang Nan’s glasses and helmet, through which a bullet passed,
were exhibited in Hong Kong’s June 4th Memorial Hall.
Zhang Xianling hopes that this evidence can help
he public learn the truth about the June 4th massacre.

Over the years, calls on the CCP authorities for the
vindication of the June 4th student movement have continued.
June 4 is the 24th anniversary of the incident, which has been
closely watched by the public in China and overseas.

Canyu.org reported that on the eve of June 4,
China’s dissidents have become active, trying to
mourn the victims and have raised their calls.
Whilst the authorities have reinforced control
and threats, in attempts to slap down any activities.

On May 26 in Liaoning, local domestic security police
broke in the door of citizen Wang Liquan’s home.
On May 27 in Hunan, local dissident Ouyang Jinghua
was forced to “travel” out of town.
On May 29 in Guangzhou, two police took away lawyer
Tang Jingling from his home and confiscated his cell phone.

On May 30, Huang Qi, founder of 64tianwang.com,
China’s first human rights website, says that
the CCP authorities have so far significantly
intensified surveillance and crackdowns on dissidents.

Huang Qi: “The police have been staying downstairs to
monitor us, they all carry walkie-talkies.
During this period, the authorities have strengthened
surveillance all over the country.
We’ve all been warned not publish sensitive articles
at this time.”

Huang Qi says that, except for days when he was arrested,
64tianwang.com has run every day for the past 15 years.
Clearly, he won’t stop speaking for disadvantaged groups
no matter what pressure he is subjected to.

Since its inception, 64tianwang.com has been censored
many times by the CCP authorities for publishing
“sensitive” information. Huang Qi was jailed twice.

On May 28, three Tianjin rights activists applied to
Tianjin Public Security Bureau for demonstration permission.
They were informed they would get the result on May 31.

In Guangzhou, three citizens had their application for a
June 4th memorial parade rejected.
The three wanted to apply for an administrative review,
but they were later detained by the police.
Currently, only one of them has been released.

Earlier on, two post-90s youth in Guangzhou
Initiated a campaign on the internet.
They called on the public to take to the street on June 4.
They were held under administrative detention.
In Hunan, some rights activists had applied to
the local Public Security Bureau
for permission for a public memorial event for
victims of the June 4th massacre.
Afterwards, the main organizer Luo Qian was
put under house arrest.

What’s more, several rights activists who held placards
in public, and “Beijing’s Ten Gentlemen”, all have been detained by the police.
This year has seen the harshest crackdown by
the CCP authorities on China’s dissidents since 1989.
