【禁聞】整風運動延黨外 再施「陽謀」詭計?




在6月18號正式開啟的整風運動大會上,習近平要求官員「照鏡子、正衣冠、洗洗澡、治治病」, 以所謂的整風精神開展批評和自我批評。












採訪/朱智善 編輯/宋風 後製/周天

Communist Ideological Rectification Movement Upgrades

A new task was recently assigned by Liu Yunshan,
propaganda chief of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
It requires a change by the CCP officials to
“open the door to accept opinions and watchdogging”,
from previously “closing the door to take a bath.”
Observers say this signals an overall upgrade of
the CCP’s recent ideological rectification movement.
The movement has even expanded outside the CCP.

Scholars in China are casting doubt on the motives behind it—

whether it is another “overt conspiracy” by Mao Zedong
to entrap the innocent people once again?

On 14th August, at a meeting, Liu Yunshan assigned tasks
for the next phase of the ideological rectification movement.
That is, to investigate and unveil problems, and
to undergo criticism sessions.

In April, the CCP decided to invest one year to carry out
a top-down education on the Party’s mass line.
Liu Yunshan was appointed to head the drive.

In June, the CCP kicked off the ideological
rectification movement.
At the assembly, Xi Jinping required the CCP officials
to “look in the mirror, take a bath and to cure diseases.”
It demanded the officials to undergo criticism
and self-criticism.

Zhang Jian, a leading pro-democracy activist
in the US, comments.
He points out three goals of CCP rectification movement.
1. suppression of dissidents;
2. brainwashing to make regional governors
all slaves to the CCP;
3. an in-depth brainwashing of nationwide civilians.

Zhang Jian: “If the CCP wants to be advised,
it has two ways to go, which can produce immediate effect.
1. lifting the ban on civil rights;
2. allowing overseas dissidents to express freely.”

Zhang Jian says that many overseas experts and scholars
have made very in-depth studies of China.
Their opinions form a good mirror for the CCP
on watchdogging, criticism and education.

Zhang Jian also indicates that the CCP has never really paid
heed to the people, since it began its rule of China in 1949.
The CCP has always taken the populace as a political pawn.

In history, its ideological rectification movements were
all approaches taken to crack down on dissidents
including those liberals inside or outside the CCP.

In 1942, Mao Zedong launched a rectification movement
in Yan’an, the then communist base of the CCP.
The ideological mass movement helped Mao eliminate
political opponents, establish his top leadership
and the CCP’s privilege system.
Yan’an Rectification Movement killed Wang Shiwei,
a famous writer in Yan’an, which finalized the CCP’s
absolute control over the art.

Mao started another rectification movement in 1957,
and it triggered the “Anti-Rightist Movement".
Over 550,000 intellectuals were convicted as “the Rightist”.

A great number of them finally died on the frontier areas,
remote rural areas, reform-through-labor farms or prisons.
Until today, 97% of these “Rightists”
have not yet been vindicated.
It was an ideological purging movement,
put on under Mao’s “overt conspiracy”.
It recurred official persecutions of intellectuals
in ancient China,
a real-life proof mirroring of political deception
and violence in the modern authoritarian state.

(A retired professor of Shandong University) Sun Wenguang:
“Is the current ideological rectification another
overt conspiracy or not?
The CCP should make it clear, otherwise,
it would be just going through the motions.
The ideological rectification refers to lodging complaints,
then it suffices to lift bans on the media.”

Sun Wenguang says that Hong Kong and Taiwan media
have published lots of good articles that criticize the CCP.
Yet these publications are banned in the mainland.

Sun has written a book criticizing the CCP,
“100-year calamity to the nation”.
It is banned from being carried into China.

Even several copies he kept at home were
all forcibly taken away by the CCP authorities.

The Radio France Internationale comments.

China’s current problems, such as corruption, judicial
injustice, polarization, naked officials, brain drain,
capital flight, and multiple-house-owner officials,
in essence are a result of the officials’ power going
unchecked and constitutionalism hasn’t been put into practice.

Sun Wenguang remarks that the CCP has never
respected public opinion and civil rights.
Today, its criticism of constitutionalism still continues.

Earlier on, over a dozen citizens had been jailed
for requesting the CCP officials to declare their assets.
All this proves that the CCP’s rectification campaign
is just a pretense, says Sun.

Zhang Jian believes that the CCP will continue along
its autocratic track, until being toppled by the people.
