【禁聞】父母演鬧劇後 薄瓜瓜現身 談笑風生


薄熙來一審待判,現在還關押秦城監獄等候判刑結果。自開審以來從未曝光的薄瓜瓜,31號,首度在美國紐約的船灣咖啡店(Boat Basin Café)現身。他與友人談笑風生,似乎絲毫沒有受到父親在中國受審的影響。












採訪編輯/劉惠 後製/肖顏

Bo Guagua Seen Cheerful Despite the Trial of His Parents

Shortly ago, the dramatic trial of former Chongqing
party secretary Bo Xilai reached its end.
Outside observers have been puzzled by
the following in-court observation:
During the trial, Bo Xilai and Gu Kailai acted proudly,
showing no sign of repentance as murderers.
It’s reported that their child, Bo Guagua, also spoke
cheerfully at a high-end café in New York City right after the trial of his father.
One may wonder, what is the cause for these
abnormal behaviors of Bo’s whole family?

After his first trial, Bo Xilai is currently imprisoned
at Qincheng Prison, awaiting judgment.
Meanwhile, his son Bo Guagua was spotted
at Boat Basin Café in New York City on Aug 31st,
which was his first appearance in public since the trial.

Bo Guagua reportedly spoke cheerfully with his friends,
seeming completely unaffected by his father’s trial in China.

Zhang Jian, China affairs observer: “[Bo Guagua’s]
mindset is abnormal and robotic, similar to other
second- or third-generation children of party officials.
They go on with their luxury life outside China,
no matter what is going on with their parents.
Probably this is also their values and philosophy of life.”

If that is true, then how was Bo Guagua shaped
into such an abnormal personality?

Li Shanjian, independent political commentator:
“It seems that now little of Bo Guagua’s humanity remains.
Instead, his mind has been filled with disregard for human
life as educated by the Communist party culture.”

China affairs observer Zhang Jian says that,

as a ‘princeling,’ Bo Guagua had been raised amidst
the party’s political circles since his childhood;
as a result he has become well acquainted with the cruel
and bloody power struggles inside the regime.
Zhang says that Bo Guagua’s mind had been
numbed in such environment;
therefore he doesn’t seem to miss nor worry for
his parents even as they have both been imprisoned.

Sentenced to death with reprieve, Bo Xilai’s wife
Gu Kailai had become a woman with a husband on trial
and without knowing the whereabouts of her son.
According to law, she had the right to keep silent
to avoid making any testimony against her husband.
However, Gu still chose to testify against her husband in court.

She did so in a stable mood and an easy attitude,
and even laughingly.
She seemed to have exceeded the bottom line
both as a wife and a woman.

Zhang Jian says that both Gu Kailai and Bo Xilai had lost all
their humanity in the process constantly murdering;
that’s why they were able to talk shamelessly,
proudly and at ease during the trial.

Zhang Jian: “Without doubt, Gu Kailai is a murderer,
and Bo Xilai is an even worse one with very bloody hands.
He killed so many people during his ‘dahei (smash black)’
campaign in Chongqing; meanwhile, he made huge profits
from the evil trade of harvested live organs.
He has persecuted such a large belief group.
I think they are simply devils dressed in human skins.”

In the trial, Bo Xilai had called his wife “crazy”, claiming that
she made false testimonies for a shortened sentence.

Li Shanjian: “I have been puzzled by this for a long time:
as a human, how was he (Bo Xilai) able to commit
such an evil crime of live organ harvesting for transplantation?

After observing the recent acts of Bo’s whole family,
now I think I’ve gotten the answer.”

Bo’s trial was widely believed to be a performance
directed by the CCP, so as to establish its image
of rule according to law.
Bo Xilai easily played himself off as the ‘tragic hero’,
as long as his crimes of harvesting living Falun Gong
practitioners’ organs and persecution of private business
owners in Chongqing remained covered up by the party.
Non-Chinese media remarked that Bo still looked
like a party leader in court.

As pointed out by the book “Nine Commentaries
on the Communist Party”,
“During the Cultural Revolution,
it was all too common that
fathers and sons tortured each other,
husbands and wives struggled with each other,
mothers and daughters reported on each other,
and students and teachers treated each other as enemies.
Party nature motivated the conflicts and
hatred in these cases”,
“The power of the Party nature over the individual results
from the CCP’s prolonged course of indoctrination.
This training starts in preschools and kindergartens.”
