【禁聞】《赤龍的錢囊》 謝田看中國經濟







去年11月《赤龍的錢囊——謝田看中國經濟》(The Dragon’s Vault – Chinese Economy behind the Curtain),由台灣「博大出版社」出版、全球發行。


台灣中華經濟研究院研究員吳惠林:「中國的經濟在外人來看,像霧裡看花,比較難看到中國裡面比較實質的東西。他是中國人,他在中國生活很長時間,親身經歷過,現在到國外來,重新在國外的環境感受,再來比較中國的情況,單就比外國人、台灣的,或香港的看中國經濟,應該是比較深入。 」





採訪編輯/易如 後製/李勇

The Money Bag of the Red Dragon

Since the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
took power in 1949, and especially
since implementing the policy of opening and reform
at the end of 1978, China has experienced 35 years of
so called “China Economy Rise".

However, many of China’s characteristic major issues
including “Local Government Debt", “Coin Famine",
“Ghost City", “Inflation" and so on burst out one by one,
which alert the world to something fishy
inside China’s economic boom.

In view of these major issues,
where are China’s money and assets? Recently,
Taiwan Broad Press published a book
The Dragon’s Vault – Chinese Economy behind the Curtain,
which revealed the truth about China’s economy.

Since June last year, China’s “Coin Famine" is like a haze
which doesn’t go away,enveloping China’s economy.
Jan 21, China Central Bank released 370 billion RMB,
which triggered world media to be
highly concerned that China’s “Coin Famine"
was back once again.

American Chinese scholar Dr Xie Tian says:
“China’s economy is facing three major problems:
local government debt, a property bubble and inflation."

Dr Xie was born in Red China in 1962 and he grew up
in an environment brainwashed by the CCP,
which made him once a sincere CCP member.

Xie Tian gradually unlocked himself from the shackles
of “Marxism-Leninism" which he undoubtedly believed,
after he had been in the USA for twenty years
and after he obtained the MBA of US Robinson College Business
of Georgia State University and a PhD degree in marketing.

Dr Xie’s current research fields include
China’s economy and commerce, market strategies,
business to business marketing, international marketing etc.

He has many unique insights into China’s economy.
He says “I came from Mainland China.
Please don’t trust any figures published by the CCP.
All of them are false. If you trust any of China’s economic data,
you will surely lose money."

Xie Tian: “Actually during the past decade, (I) wrote
many economic review articles about China’s economy.
A friend who works in the Taiwan publishing field asked me
if I could compile all of these articles
and rewrite them into a book to systematically articulate
my views about China’s economy.
China’s economy is not only different from other countries’,
but also the truth of it has been hidden."

In November last year, a book The Dragon’s Vault –
Chinese Economy behind the Curtain was published
and sold across the world by Taiwan Broad Press.

Taiwan’s China Economy Academy Research Professor
Wu Huilin wrote the preface for the book.
He says, Xie Tian was born in Red China
but later left communism and
entered America with freedom and democracy.
He has personal practical experience
and contrasts two different regimes.
In view of such a background, diagnosis about China’s economy
made by Xie Tian is convincing.

Wu Huilin: “for outsiders,understanding China’s economy
is similar to seeing flowers in fog, and it is hard
to see the relatively substantial essence.
Xie is a Chinese and he lived there for a long time
with much personal experience. Later he moved abroad
and from his personal experience in an overseas environment,
he deeply analyses China’s economic status.
At least his understanding is deeper than those foreigners,
Taiwanese and Hong Kong people."

Xie Tian says, The Dragon’s Vault exposes
60 years’ of China’s economic problems from
the pre-planned economy to later reform and opening,
to current local government debt to monetary inflation
including property and stock market bubbles.

The CCP dictatorship plays a dominant role
in all of these problems. Xie Tian says
the CCP magnates kidnap China’s economy.

Xie Tian: “From the initial proletarian revolution,
land revolution to industry and commerce reform,
the CCP looted the assets by violence.
Since the 1960s and ’70s, especially after the 1990s,
the looting ways have been changed with new means,
new skills and many capitalist factors,
which disguised these methods.
On the one hand, the CCP deployed audacious looting,
on the other, the CCP magnates
transfer their power into capital.
Much looting was undertaken by deception.
As a matter of fact, the CCP’s vault bulged by these means."

Secretary of the Taiwan Association for China Human
Rights and Ex-Member of the Presidential Human Rights Committee
talked about his feelings on
reading the Dragon’s vault in his radio interview.
He says: “this is a good book".

When he looked for other books about China’s economy,
he found “many misleading statements".

Compared with some economists born in Mainland China,
even if they came into western countries,
they cannot still see the origin of China’s economic chaos.
Wu Huilin expresses: “China’s economic education is
about the Marxist-Leninist’s economy,
which is a political economy, rather than a real economy.
The economy is guided and viewed
by Marxist economic warfare,
which is a complete twist for economics."

Interview & Edit/YiRu Post-Production/LiYong
