【禁聞】專家:江綿恆露面 反證已身處絕境
















2001年5月,江澤民把江綿恆介紹給國際上的富豪們。 2008年中國申奧成功後,江綿恆與這些富豪們簽下大筆訂單,江綿恆因此成了中共「官商一體」的最高代表。


採訪編輯/李韻 後製/孫寧

All Sides Interpret Jiang Mianheng’s Appearance As University
President In The Party Media.

The former CCP leader Jiang Zemin’s son Jiang Mianheng,
who was widely rumored by foreign media to be involved
in a major corruption case and under investigation
by the Central Discipline Inspection Commission,
has suddenly appeared in the Party Media.

In the news of ShanghaiTech University’s establishment
and its first admissions, Jiang Mianheng’s serving
as university president triggered outside interpretation.

On Feb. 20, CCP mouthpiece reported that ShanghaiTech
University will recruit its first batch of undergraduate
students, and former Chinese Communist Party leader
Jiang Zemin’s son is serving as the first president.
Jiang Mianheng was quoted as saying, “we do not want
to build a world-class university, but will focus on serving
the national development strategies."

Last September, ShanghaiTech University was approved
by the Ministry of Education and began recruiting
the first group of graduate school students.

When he was serving as ShanghaiTech University
preparatory team leader and the president
of Chinese Academy of Sciences Shanghai Branch,
Jiang Mianheng called on students to not only be Iron Men
but also to be able to sit in the back seat.

62 year-old Jiang Mianheng’s extortion was once exposed
by foreign media.
Last October, it was said that he has been locked up
by the Central Discipline Inspection Commission
and under a huge internal corruption investigation.

Political commenter Lan Shu analyzed that the infighting
between different interest groups in the CCP mainly
surrounds the resolution of Zhou Yongkang’s case.

Jiang’s faction behind Zhou Yongkang is not the focus
of CCP infighting.

The political commenter Lan Shu: “It’s not strange to see
the occasional appearance of someone other than
Zhou Yongkang from Jiang’s faction under such conditions.
His appearance doesn’t mean he’s not under investigation by
Beijing authorities, it’s just to balance the current situation."

On Feb. 8, 2011, the former Minister of Railways Liu Zhijun
was detained and interrogated three days after his appearance
in the media, while the former Chongqing Party Secretary
Bo Xilai still attended the Two Meetings and met with
reporters in a high profile fashion on March 9, 2012,
but was dismissed on March 15.

Chinese senior legal expert Zhao Yuanming pointed out that
Jiang Mianheng’s appearance is similar to the Bo Xilai
appearance or Zhou Yongkang’s appearance
at University of Petroleum last October.
It proves that he is in a desperate position.

Chinese senior legal expert Zhao Yuanming: “If they catch
Zhou Yongkang, Jiang Zemin will be caught soon.
Jiang Zemin’s son’s appearance is more like a lightning
before death that means he seems fine now but he is dying."

Last October 1, Zhou Yongkang, who was widely rumored
to be under investigation suddenly showed up at University
of Petroleum.
Following his appearance, his henchmen were cleaned up.

Multiple sources confirmed that Zhou Yongkang had been
arrested by the end of last year.
The current question is will his case be handled within
the party or transferred to judicial proceedings?

Zhao Yuanming analyzed the sack of Zhou Yongkang
is a forgone conclusion.
Zeng Qinghong, Jiang Zemin and other Jiang faction
members cannot help themselves now.
Jiang Mianheng’s appearance is a CCP customary practice.

Zhao Yuanming: “It is actually to show the public
that this person is still alive.
They made a footnote to pursue responsibility
in graft later.
His appearance is just like Zhou Yongkang’s showing up
before being taken care of.
This is actually Xi and Li’s customary practice."

Since CCP General Secretary Xi Jinping took the office
and vowed to “hunt tigers and catch flies."
Nicknamed “China’s first greedy" by the Chinese people,
Jiang Mianheng is involved in multiple shocking
international corruption cases.

In 1992, after holding military and political power Jiang
Zemin let Jiang Mianheng return China to make a fortune.
In 1994, with a loan of millions Jiang Mianheng purchased
an investment company for a billion Yuan in Shanghai
and began his Telecom kingdom.

Later, many state-owned companies in Shanghai
fell into Mianheng’s pockets.

In May of 2001, Jiang Zemin introduced Jiang Mianheng
to the wealthy abroad.
After China’s successful biding on the Olympic Games
in 2008, Jiang Mianheng signed large contracts with
magnates and became the highest representative
of government – merchant integration in the CCP.

Overseas media reported that the Central Discipline Inspection
Commission has already locked up Jiang Mianheng.
To protect his son, Jiang Zemin not only praised Xi Jinping
in a high-profile manner, but made an exchange
using Zhou Yongkang to avoid his son being affected
by the anti-corruption movement.

Interview & Edit/Li Yun Post-Production/Sun Ning
