
















採訪編輯/李韻 後製/葛雷

CCP Think Tank Infiltrated by Foreign Power.

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Central Commission
for Discipline Inspection (CCDI) commented that the
Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) has been
subject to foreign infiltration.

A CCDI senior official demanded the think-tank
“remain highly alert to political sensitive issues”.

Commentators said it is the children of CCP officials with the
most connections to foreign power betraying state interests.

Zhang Yingwei, vice director of the Propaganda Department,
spoke at an internal CASS conference on June 10.

Zhang said, on sensitive dates, there is always “illegal
collusion” and “foreign infiltration” inside CASS.

Zhang criticized that some had “fabricated false theories
using the Internet” as a form of academic research.

He demanded that the think-tank stay vigilant to politically
sensitive issues.

Zhang’s words have drawn wide media attention.

Some believe that those comments are made against
some specific issues.
On May 3, a CCAS scholar in its philosophy branch, was at
a seminar on the 25th anniversary of June 4 and got arrested.

After June 4, Xu was released on bail for awaiting trial.

A Hong Kong’s Orient Daily News editorial said, the biggest
threat to the CCP comes from the offspring of party bigwigs
who are closely connected with “foreign power”, instead of
those intellectuals.

Zhang Chengjue, Hong Kong freelance ”Most of the CCP
Politburo Standing Committee family members live overseas.

Some are running businesses and many of them are
extremely rich.

So, when talking about betraying our state interests and
colluding with foreign power, the culprit is the CCP itself.”

In 2010, media said Zeng Wei, son of Zeng Qinghong, former
CCP vice president bought a home in Australia for $32 million.

In April 2012 Australia’s media confirmed that Zeng Wei
was a permanent resident of Australia as an investor.

When Jiang Zemin came to power in 1992, he asked his eldest
son Jiang Mianheng to return home to earn money secretly.

Shortly afterwards, Jiang Mianheng became known by Chinese
as “China’s most corrupt individual”.

CCP official statistics show that, currently there are
over 1.18 million “naked officials” in China.

Many are directors of administrative offices, local government
officials and executives of state-owned companies.

Zhao Yuanming, a senior Chinese legal scholar, said many
CCP officials sent their family members to foreign countries
and stayed in China as “naked officials” by themselves.
Those are the real ones that “are infiltrated by foreign power”.

Zhao Yuanming ”Foreign power is mostly a pejorative
term when used by the CCP.

It indicates spying activities for other countries by
an individual or a group.

Realistically, those who can really reveal information or state
secrets to foreign powers are usually the ones in senior jobs.”
More recently, foreign media have reported how offspring of
CCP are highly paid informers of western investment banks.

New York Times reported several times that hundreds of CCP
high officials’ offspring are in international investment banks;

These include former Politburo Standing Committee Wu
Bangguo’s son-in-law Feng Shaodong, Jiang Zemin’s
grandson Jiang Zhicheng and many others.

Zhao Yuanming ”That happens a lot in Hong Kong
and America.

Major financial organs and banks make plans to hire
offspring of CCP bigwigs.

Those banks or offices hire the princelings to
infiltrate China’s political circles.

It makes their businesses easier, so they can make more
money by using them.”

Apparently a German investment bank hired offspring from
20 provincial-level CCP officials and 10 Politburo members.

Children, sons and daughters-in-law of CCP officials
are seen in many international investment banks.

Orient Daily News commented that, when hiring officialings
and princelings, those banks prefer their connections with
high-level CCP officials and ability to get insider information,
rather than their expertise in finance.

They can make billions of dollars by hiring simply one
individual with a strong political background in China.

Those princelings can also earn tens of millions of dollars
in each deal.

That is how banks and princelings benefit from each other.

Commentators said, the CCP’s fifth-generation leader group
hopes to eliminate “foreign power” in China.

However, how can they convince the Chinese people if they
ignore bigwig offspring, the real betrayers of the country?

A more ridiculous fact is that, the phenomenon had been
there for 20 years.

Finally the United States has begun to investigate the issue.

Now those CCP princelings are popular among Chinese
investment banks after quitting international ones.

Interview & Edit/LiYun Post-Production/GeLei
