【禁聞】7.20全球反迫害 活摘、性侵震驚世人














採訪編輯/張天宇 後製/李勇

July 20 Falun Gong Globally Commemorates Anti-Persecution:
Live Organ Harvesting and Sexual Assaults Shock the World
On July 20, 1999, Jiang Zemin, the former party head,
started the cruel persecution of Falun Gong,
regardless of opposition from all walks of life.

This has caused death and disability to innumerable
Falun Gong practitioners, and countless families to fall apart.

In order to stop the persecution, every year around July 20,
Falun Gong practitioners from many countries globally
commemorate those who were persecuted to death
via gatherings, parades or candlelight vigils.

Meanwhile, they tell the world the truth about Falun Gong,
which has been covered up by the party.
It's been 15 years since the party started the persecution
of Falun Gong.
Every year practitioners from all over the world hold
various anti-persecution activities around July 20.
The scenesof activity are grand, magnificent and solemn,
which attract the eyes of many passersby and tourists.
Among the activities, the candlelight vigil remembering
those Falun Gong practitioners who have been persecuted
to death by the party is most touching.

What's heart-breaking is that the portraits of those
who have been persecuted to death
are held by their own family members.
Jiang Hong, whose father's organs were taken in the persecution:
"In my hands is my father's photo.
My father was persecuted in Chongqing Xisanping Labor Camp.
After he was kept in a freezer for 7 hours, his body was still warm.
When we saw him, his body was black and blue,
covered with wounds.
Then his body was mandatorily cremated.
Zhou Bolin, Deputy Director of Chongqing city’s Prison,
said my father's organs were made into specimens.

They were taken while he was still alive.
My mother was sentenced.

I will tell the whole world all these evil doings
that the party has committed. "
Among the portraits of those who were persecuted to death,
there are some younger faces.

Xu Dawei, Falun Gong Practitioner of Wushu Qingyuan County,
was sentenced to 8 years in prison.

When he was persecuted to death
after being brutally tortured in 4 prisons,
he was only 34 years old.

Chi Lihua, whose husband has been tortured to death,
"My husband Xu Dawei was persecuted for 8 years in 4 prisons.
He suffered all kinds of cruel tortures.
In 2009, he was released from Dongling prison,
where he was persecuted until mentally disturbed.
Sometimes his mind was clear and sometimes muddled.
His body was covered with the scars from electronic shocks.
When his mind was clear, he told me the prison injected drugs
into his body which destroyed his nervous system.
13 days after he was released from prison, he passed away.”
Besides the conventional cruel body tortures
and extremely vicious live organ harvesting,
the party persecute young female Falun Gong practitioners
with sexual assaults and sexual abuse.

Especially, in October 2000, in Liaoning Masanjia Labor Camp,
18 female Falun Gong practitioners were stripped naked and
thrown into the cells with criminal male prisoners.

The Falun Gong practitioners were left being freely raped.
Among them, 5 died, 7 were left mentally disturbed,
and the rest were disabled.
Nonetheless, similar evils go on and on
in the party's labor camps and prisons.
Yin Liping, one of the practitioners who was sexually assaulted,
"On April 19, 2001, our 9 female Falun Gong practitioners,
who were not "transformed”, were secretly sent to
a male prison by Masanjia Labor Camp.
Over there, were about 30 or so unidentified men.
At night each of our 9 female Falun Gong practitioners
were allocated into a single room.
When night came, these men knocked me out
and then sexually assaulted me collectively.
They also videoed the whole process. "
After being sexually assaulted by a group,
Yin Liping, 46 years old, decided not to remain silent any longer
after enduring many years of great pain.

She bravely stood up and disclosed this atrocity
that is far beyond the moral bottom line for human beings.

Sadly, her good friend, Falun Gong practitioner Zou Guirong,
has already left the world forever without seeing this day.
Yin Liping: "Zou Guirong, was one of the 9 female
Falun Gong practitioners.
On that night, she cried, 『Liping, Liping, Masanjia threw us
from the frying pan into the fire.
This government is a hooligan'.
On April 20, Zou Guirong was tortured to death by the party. "
For every single Falun Gong practitioner persecuted to death,
there was a period of history full of tears and blood.

Nevertheless, 15 years have passed,
but the persecution is still going on.

Falun Gong practitioners are still peacefully and rationally telling
the world about the party's ruthless persecution,
inspiring people's good conscience.
Now, more and more people with justice come to support
the activities of "disintegrate the CCP;
stop persecuting Falun Gong”
after they learned the truth.

Interview & Edit/Zhang TianYu Post-Production/LiYong
