




Oct. 21 Quit the CCP – Update

In democratic states, a person’s belief and vote for any
party is by one’s own will.
However, under the CCP’s governance, anyone questioning
the party will be labeled as “making political plots”
or “unpatriotic”.

Below are extracts from Chinese people on
their quitting the CCP statements.

Wang Lei announces quitting the CCP, saying:
I won’t join any party as I have my own belief, but I still love
my home country.

Quitting CCP is not “unpatriotic”.
I can still benefit my state and people with what I can do,
and help those who need help with my efforts.

Li Caihong said in her quitting the CCP statements that:
I got the opportunity of going abroad.
I met a Falun Gong practitioner at a tourist spot and
asked her for help in making a statement on quitting
the CCP and its affiliations.

I work in a governmental agency but I don’t want to
be involved in politics.
Falun Gong practitioners said “Quitting the CCP is
the real way to keep away from politics.”
I agree with what they said.

Therefore I decide to quit the CCP.
Indeed, you can hardly do the same in mainland China!
