







Nov.4 Quit CCP Update

On Nov.3, the CCP’s Ministry of Education issued a file
that requires primary schools, middle schools and
high schools to take specific measures, such as:
composing children’s songs, to strengthen so-called education for
“core values of socialism”.

What motivates the party to be more aggressive with the crisis
in ideology?
A Guangdong resident Deng Feng recently released
a 700-word quitting CCP statement.
Maybe the answer can be found from his story.
Here we will read excerpts of the statement.

Zheng Feng from Guangdong said:
I joined the Young Pioneers 13 years ago, and further joined
the Youth League 5 years ago.

I once became one of the numerous brainwashed children
by the evil party.

Recalling how I looked forward to joining the CCP,
how I worked so hard to write the party application letter
and even felt disappointed when the application was denied,
it was really ridiculous for me to act like that.
As I become older, I gradually realized that I had been living
under the governance of an evil regime.

In high school, I heard from classmates about the
June Fourth Incident.
I was astonished by the CCP’s bloody suppression against
pro-democracy voices. After that, I never believe a single word
of party mouthpieces.

Talking about Occupy Central, here I pay tribute to
Hong Kong students and civilians who pursue democracy
and freedom against violent suppression.

Meanwhile, I feel extremely resentful and ashamed for
those mainland Chinese new media, as they distort
the truth about Occupy Central.

The good thing is, I noticed that our people are awakening.

Among my classmates, teachers and other social members
of our state, there are many sharing similar opinions with me.
I truly believe that our people will thoroughly understand
the CCP’s evilness not far in the future.
They will unite to overturn its dictatorship and
replace it with a genuine democratic regime!
