經典麻婆豆腐 港式做法(視頻)


材料/ Ingredients:

一百克半肥瘦豬肉碎 100g minced pork
一件滾湯滑豆腐 1 large block of tofu
一茶匙砂糖 1tsp sugar
一茶匙生抽 1tsp soy sauce
一茶匙生粉 1tsp potato starch
一湯匙半辣豆板醬 1.5tbsp chili bean sauce
一茶匙川椒粉 1tsp Szechuan pepper powder
一湯匙紅辣椒粉 1tbsp chili powder
適量麻油 Sesame oil
一茶匙豆豉 1tsp fermented black bean
一湯匙生粉加一湯匙水 1tbsp starch in 1 tbsp water
十安士雞湯 10oz (296ml) chicken stock
適量生油 cooking oil
適量芫茜蔥 coriander and spring onion
一湯匙蒜蓉 1tbsp chopped garlic
一茶匙薑米 1tsp chopped ginger
一湯匙紅蔥頭碎 1tbsp chopped shallot



