白汁雞肉蘑菇長通粉 容易做又好吃(視頻)


A viewer from Macau has asked for a simple recipe so that he can cook for his kids. This is it mate.

Chicken and Mushroom Penne

三人份量 For three people:

長通粉300克 – 300g of penne pasta
雞腿肉兩塊 – 2 chicken thighs
洋蔥半個 – half an onion
蘑菇200克 – 200g of button mushrooms
蒜兩瓣 – 2 cloves of garlic
龍蒿葉一湯匙 – 1tbsp of tarragon
忌廉200毫升 – 200ml of cooking cream
巴馬臣芝士碎四茶匙 – 4tsp of parmesan cheese
鹽適量 – salt to taste
黑胡椒適量 – black pepper to taste



