
【新唐人2009年5月3日讯】 (大纪元记者南希美国华盛顿DC报导) 2009年4月30日,来自纽约、华盛顿等几个城市的法轮功学员在美国国会众议院CANNON办公楼召开新闻发布会,讲述了他们及家人因修炼法轮功在中国大陆所遭受的监禁、酷刑,有的甚至被迫害致死。多位国会议员表示,将尽一切努力帮助法轮功学员,制止中共迫害。

美国国会“台湾事务议员团”新任共和党共同主席、佛罗里达州共和党众议员林肯.迪亚斯-巴拉特(Lincoln Diaz-Balart) 出席了记者发布会。




你们知道﹐我最近看了一场表演﹐这场表演对我有很大的启发。这场表演是由一个叫神韵艺术团的团体演出的。我非常喜欢这场表演﹐其中的一个原因是它提醒了我们 ﹕“真理﹑公义和爱﹐最终会胜利﹔而残暴﹑仇恨和压迫﹐最终会失败”。所以这场表演对我非常的触动﹐同时它也提醒了我们﹕法轮功的奋斗反迫害。他们才是真正的中国人民﹐他们将是最终压倒性成功的一方。

所以基于这个精神﹐ 我来到这里并参加这个重要的时刻。 当我们纪念这个10周年被压制与迫害的同时﹐我们更要记住那些被杀害的﹑那些被囚禁在地牢里的﹑那些被酷刑虐待的﹑以及他们也承受巨大痛苦的家人们。



I come by and first of all is to express my solidarity with Falun Gong and I know that the repression is brutal and it is incessant, but I want those men and women who are being repressed, oppressed and their friends, families, and sympathies to know that they have friends in the U.S. Congress. And they have admirers in the U.S. Congress.

You know, I saw the performance recently, that inspired me very much. It was by a group called Divine Performing Arts. One reason why I enjoyed that performance so much was because it reminds us that at the end the Truth, Fairness and Love triumph, and Brutality, Hatred and Oppression at the end fail. So I was very moved by that performance but it also reminded us the struggle of Falun Gong. They are really the people of China; they are the one that automatically will prevail.

So with that spirit, I want to come by and join this important moment, When we take note of 10 years of oppression and persecution and we remember those who have been killed, those who are in the dungeons, been tortured, as well as their families who are suffered so much.

Please receive my fullest, most heart-felt solidarity at this moment and my thanks to you, the organizers, who put this together for this important commemoration.

Thank you.
