


但是,当知项欠在2008年3月26日却被中共当局秘密抓捕起来。 。在经历了一年多的非法囚禁后,2009年12月28日,中共以“颠覆国家政权”罪判当知项欠6年有期徒刑。



嘉央慈诚也是将当知项欠的影片进行最终剪切合成并将其公诸于世的人。当他一年多前收到表弟冒着生命危险拍摄出的近40盒录像带后,嘉央慈诚便和朋友们一起夜以继日的完成了后续工作,并赶在08北京奥运前将最后整合出的25分钟短片《远离恐惧》(Leaving fear behind)向世界媒体人士首映。此后,这一短片被翻译成5种语言,传遍世界30多个国家。



Old man in red hat: These days they are dividing the land with fences all over the land and valleys. The animals aren’t allowed to enter these areas for 5 to 10 years so have nowhere to graze. Instead, they pay out compensation to the farmers and nomads and it’s considered illegal to refuse. The main aim is to gather the farmers in one place and fence them in. Fences are built and thorns are planted so that it’s not possible for farmers to grow anything. If they succeed, they ‘ll create an environment impossible for Tibetans to live in.



【牧民们聚集在一起学习他们的文化。 】

Man with blurred face: The aim of our association is to preserve the Tibetan language and culture in our villages. We were so worried about losing our culture that we started this association. No matter how far or difficult the journey we travel around and educate the illiterate, we teach the Tibetan alphabet and encounter all kinds of difficulties on the way. Our motorbikes break down on the way but we don’t let anything stop us, the main thing is that we work hard to educate ourselves.

面孔被虚化的男子: 我们这个协会旨在在我们的村庄里保存西藏的语言和文化。我们非常担心失去我们的文化,因此我们创办了这个协会。无论路途多么艰远,我们走村串户给那些文盲上课,我们教给他们藏文字母,过程中我们遇到了各种各样的困难。我们的摩托车坏在半路上,但是没有什么事情可以难倒我们,重要的事情在于我们通过努力工作让自己受到教育。

– How old are you?


– I’m 20 years old


– You are so young and yet you have taken on all this responsibility and faced many obstacles. What motivates you?


– The main reason is for all Tibetans to become like one family. It’s important to educate illiterate people and teach Tibetans their own language.


Interview with a local woman with blurred face:


– Do you think the teachers and classes are good?


– Yes, they are really good, that’s why the children are learning so well.


– Do any of your family members study here?


– Yes, I have three children and they all come here. Seeing as I don’t know how to read and write, I hope my children can learn those skills here. It’s because I want them to learn these skills that I am happy for them to come here. Even though I’m afraid to stay at home on my own, it’s worth it for their education.


Teacher teaching and pupils repeating:


Each person


Each person


must take responsibility for themselves


must take responsibility for themselves


Factory workers


manufacturing goods


Young man dressed in black, outdoors: Our language is in danger. The reason for this is because Tibetans are a minority. For every Tibetan, there are ten to fifteen Chinese. The Chinese are everywhere in these Tibetan areas. Everywhere you look there are Chinese people and you hear Chinese everywhere. Chinese words are used when speaking Tibetan and Tibetan words are used when speaking Chinese. Tibetans are not a people without culture, we have a rich culture inherited from our ancestors.


DW talks to camera: Nowadays, what China is saying is that they are preserving and improving Tibetan culture and language. That’s what they are telling the world. Many organisations and offices have been set up for these things. What they say and what they do are totally different, opposites. If they really want to preserve and improve Tibetan culture and language, they should withdraw all the Chinese people living in Tibetan areas. Tibetan culture and language has to be practiced in all Tibetan areas. If it’s not practiced, how can it be preserved? It can’t. The situation in Tibet, instead of improving, is getting worse and worse every year.

One of the main difficulties we faced in making this film was coming face to face with the people, not being able to guarantee their safety and to gain their consent. Some people were eager to work with us. Many said that if I succeeded in offering the film to His Holiness, then they wouldn’t regret it, even if they had to die. They were willing to be filmed. I also asked clearly about filming and explained that they didn’t have to show their faces. Some said that we absolutely had to show their faces, otherwise it wasn’t worth speaking to them.

DW对着摄像机说:现在,中国一直说他们正在保护和发展西藏的文化和语言。他们一直在向世界传达这样的信息。为了这些还成立了很多机构和部门。然而,他们说的和做的完全是南辕北辙。如果他们真的想保护和发展西藏的文化和语言,他们就应该把生活在藏区的汉人都撤走。在整个藏区必须实施和使用西藏的文化和语言。如果不能实施和使用,谈何保护?这是不可能 的。西藏的形势非但没有改善,反而是在逐年恶化。


Monk, indoors, wearing glasses: They say that there is freedom of religion. There is no freedom at all. The main reason is that theDalai Lama is not here. He’s the most precious for all Tibetans. If he and the Panchen Lama were in Tibet, all beings would benefit. Never mind the Dalai Lama being allowed to return to Tibet, the local authorities and governors are being taken to China and are being told to publicly announce that they don’t wish for the Dalai Lama’s return. They are paid a lot of money in exchange. They have to guarantee their loyalty by signing a document with their fingerprints. They have to show how much they are against the Dalai Lama and this is the picture they want to paint to the world.

室内,戴眼镜的僧人:他们说这里有宗教自由。其实根本没有。主要的理由就是达赖喇嘛不在西藏。他是所有西藏人最尊崇的领 袖。如果他和班禅喇嘛都在西藏,所有事情都会受益匪浅。根本不用说允许达赖喇嘛回到西藏了,现在的当地官员都被带到中国并被要求公开宣称他们不希望达赖喇嘛回来。作为交易,他们得到很多钱。他们必须在一份文件上签字画押以保证他们的忠心。他们必须表现出多么地反对达赖喇嘛,而这就是他们(中国人)试图给全世界描绘的画面。
