【禁闻】李承鹏等人参选人大代表 争民主


根据发布在大陆微博的消息,著名媒体评论员李承鹏将参选成都武侯区人大代表。 他在新浪微博拥有290多万粉丝,大多数网友都支持他参选人大。












伍凡“ 只有彻底改变共产党的统治,没有了共产党的统治,真正让老百姓一个平等的自由的选举的时候,他们的权力才能得到保障,才能真正行使他们的选举权和被选举权。


Chinese Run for Local Elections

Town and county-level elections in China are near.
Lately, some citizens announced to run for offices
in the elections of People’s Representatives,
following the unemployed female Liu Ping in Jiangxi,
who stood up to run for the local election.
More Chinese want their legal rights to be elected.

According to China’s macro-blogs, a commentator
Li Chengpeng will run for the local election in Chengdu.
Most of his 2.9M blog fans support his campaign.

Li said frankly that his running is symbolic.
If successful, it bears significant meaning.
He told media, he is “actually a spokesperson”,
as the folks have a lot to say, but lack suitable ways.

Writer Xia Shang announced to run for the election
in Jingan District, Shanghai, to speak for the people.

Wu Danhong, associate prof. of China University of
Political Science and Law will run in Beijing’s Haidian
to push for China’s democratic process.

Hanzhou’s candidate Liang Yongchun said,
although he cannot win, it is important to run
and raise people’s awareness of their rights
to participate in politics. Individual’s sacred right
to elect and be elected cannot be infringed.

Xu Yan from Hanzhou and Li Sihua from Xinyu, Jiangxi
will also run in their local elections.

Wu Fan, president of the Chinese Interim Government:
It is a very good. It is a different way to change China;
an indication of the Chinese’s political enlightenment.
It is a good phenomenon that the Chinese are fighting
for their rights of speech, participation and decision.
But I feel the authorities would not allow them.

Wu Fan’s predictions seemed to come true.
As soon as citizens began to “exercise” their rights,
it was rumored they had been barred from running.

Li Sihua from Jiangxi told NTDTV, on May 27,
they went to the city election committee to register,
but was cursed and driven out. The election officers
even tried to grab their camera and voice recorders.

Li Sihua: According to China’s election law,
with over 10 nominations, a citizen can run for office.
I received 218 nominations, so I can be a candidate.
Our procedure is legal, but they wouldn’t accept.
They drove us out of their office and swore at us and
called us the dregs of society.

Despite the suppression, Li vowed to persist.

Li: We will certainly persist. We are determined.
We are supported by the (private) media, netizens
and the voters, so we will definitely hang on to it.

Li knows that the chance is slim for him to get elected
in the current political environment in China.
Then how can Chinese citizens truly honor the election
rights the Constitution endows upon them?
Wu Fan: Only by completely removing the CCP,
can Chinese people have a free and equal election,
and their rights can be guaranteed
and they can truly elect others or be elected.

NTD reporters Li Anan and Zhou Tian
