【禁闻】“中国式创新” 受质问
















Chinese Innovation under Question

“Innovation” is what the whole world is striving for.
However, many Chinese commentators said that
once a good thing is implemented in China,
it inevitably becomes incredible abnormal.
To what extent is China’s innovation independent?

Why this ancient country with Four Great Inventions
nowadays doesn’t even possess a world-renowned brand?

“China’s independently developed high-speed rail
technology has significantly surpassed Japan’s.”
“There’s no doubt with China’s high-speed rail safety;
there will never occur a rear-end crash.”
The grandiloquence of the officials and experts
of Ministry of Railways are still ringing in people’s ears.
There occurred the Wenzhou train crash on July 23.
The accident caused hundreds of casualties.

The costly innovation by the Communist Party (CCP) is so
abnormal that it puzzles railway experts around the world.
The technology that can automatically prevent crashes
is very mature in Japan and in Europe.
Even if the train driver sleeps on the train,
there would be no rear-end train crash.
But the accident did happen in China,

and the reason behind is train control system innovated
domestically by the CCP, as a “prestige project.”

Most of China’s current high-speed railways use
the technologies of Japan, Germany and Canada,
among which most are imported from Japan.
But this is never mentioned in public.
Japan’s Sankei Shimbunm calls China’s high-speed rails
“pirated versions of the Shinkansen.”

The media of various countries reported that the majority of
China’s high-speed rail technologies were stolen from Japan,
in the name of project collaboration.

The Australian quoted Japanese high-speed rail experts that

after collaborating on early projects,
China stole Japan’s technology and froze the experts out,
as it looked to establish a vast domestic network
as well as an export industry in high-speed rail.

Japan’s media Asahi Shimbun’s reported on July 5 that
Tadaharu Ohashi, president of Kawasaki Heavy Industries
said that “If the content of the overseas tenet application of
China’s high-speed railway contravenes
the Shinkansen technology export contract
signed by China and Kawasaki Heavy Industries.
They will have to sue China.

Current issue commentator Wu Fan:
China actually has no innovation,
because of China’s current social system and
the people’s state of mind,
especially that the government takes the lead to steal
foreign assets and intellectual properties in particular.

Complaints about China’s stealing of technology
under color of cooperation not only came from Japan,
but also from Russia.

Russia’s newspaper Pravda published in April 2009 article
“China Brazenly Steals Russian Jet Fighter Technology.”

Current Issue Commentator Heng He:
Such copycat is governmental behavior.
Except China’s jet fighter “Jian” series,
the rest are all imitations of the Russian system.
Even if they are by China’s own design,
their motors are still made in Russia .

Facing questions from foreign companies and media,
how many independent innovations does China have?
Why this ancient country with Four Great Inventions
now doesn’t possess even one world-renowned brand?

Heng He: This is related to China’s development model.
In the past 30 years, the CCP’s model is GDP-oriented.
It only wanted to accelerate the development speed.

However, it didn’t have an integral system designed
for long term or a system that follows economic patterns.
This is why China’s total economic output has become
the world’s No.2 but still without a world-class brand.

Heng He said that bulk purchase of foreign technologies
enables the officials to get rebates.
This contributes to the failure in development of China’s
independent innovations.

Anil Gupta, professor of Strategy & Entrepreneurship,
University of Maryland and Haiyan Wang,
managing partner of China India Institute,
wrote an article published on Wall Street Journal on July 28.
The article says in China, processes for allocating
government funds for R&D projects remain highly politicized.
Research heavily focus on quantity over quality.

They use local rather than international
standards to assess research productivity.
Academic frauds are rampant.

The educational system emphasizes on rote learning
rather than creative problem solving.
Due to these reasons, although having lots of researchers,
and abundant funds, China’s innovations are still stymied.

NTD reporters Liang Xin, Shang Yan and Sun Ning
