【禁闻】“自由陈光诚运动” 风起云涌



陈光诚自学法律,为申张民众的宪法权利和基本人权,得罪了地方当局。 2006年8月,他被判刑4年3个月,罪名是’蓄意破坏公共财产’以及’聚众妨碍交通’。 陈光诚刑满出狱之后,又受到临沂地方当局没有任何法律依据的软禁。他本人和妻子也遭受严重殴打,到了上学年龄的女儿也不能上学。













唐荆陵 :“另外一方面还持续不断的有一些朋友,冒着生命的危险去探望他,让冲突不断的去激化,或者保持这么一个冲突,好比一个饭堂一样,大家不断的投入经营,而且越投越多,导致目前这种事件关注度越来越高。而且当高到一定的程度,社会上很多以前具有社会知名度不太敢或者不太关心的公共事务的人,也开始关注这个事情,另外又重新扩大这个事情的波澜。”






The “Free Chen Guangcheng” Movement Keeps Growing

A new movement called “Free Chen Guangcheng”
is taking shape in China.
Many scholars and Chinese celebrities are speaking out
for the human rights lawyer.
Streams of netizens keep making their way to Chen’s residence,
even though many were allegedly met with violence at the hands of the Chinese Communist Party last week.

For the last few months, Chinese rights activists and netizens
have traveled to Chen Guangcheng’s residence in Linyin, Shandong province.
They are concerned over the welfare of
the blind human rights lawyer and his family.

Chen Guangcheng is a self-taught lawyer.

In August 2006 Chen was sentenced to four years
and three months of prisonbecause of his forced abortions investigation.
The Chinese Communist Party charged him of
“intentional destruction of public property" and “gathering a crowd to hinder traffic".
Soon after his release, Chen was put under illegal house arrest.

Allegedly, Chen and his wife suffered from assaults
by the local authorities.
And their daughter is not allowed to attend school.

Last October worried netizens came to
visit Chen and his family, but to no avail.
Police guards have reportedly assaulted the visitors,
including journalists, and also took away their personal belongings such as mobile phones.

The founder of the Democratic Party of China, Qin Yongmin
wonders if Chen’s case has become the new focus of China’s political events.

Qin Yongmin:“Is he (Chen) linked to the survival of this nation?
Is he linked to national secrecy? No relation whatsoever!
The simple truth is that local authorities are oppressinghim
for his role as a defender of human rights.
Even though this has inspired a strong response
from the international community, local authorities are not owning up to their mistake.
So they will carry on this way, while at the same time,
keep justifying their condemnation of Chinese citizens, rights activists and the international community.

Chen Guangcheng became known worldwide for his suppression
under the hands of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
Recently, the U.S. Congress has passed a special motion,
expressing concern and support for the famous legal activist.

In addition, numerous netizens have expressed their support
using micro-blogs.

He Weifang, a well known jurist and professor
at Beijing’s University posted Chen’s portrait in his blog on October the 12th.
In his post he asked: “What is Guangcheng guilty of?
Authorities are so arbitrary! I urge the netizens’ community to call for action until Chen Guangcheng regains freedom!”

Zhang Ming, a professor at the Renmin University of China,
Also expressed his anger: “Is this nation’s authorities shameless?

Famous writer Zhang Yihe, called Congress Deputies
to be concerned of Cheng Guangcheng.

Renown writer Murong Xuecun wrote in anger:
“What are the Shandong provincial authorities doingup there?
What are the Beijing authorities doing up there?
Are they really willing to be protectors to the rogues?
Or are they themselves willing to be the rogues?”

Writer Tujia Yefu speaks out:
“Crying out for him is the same as crying out for ourselves.
Striving for his freedom is the same as striving for ours.”

Also appealing in their blogs are many celebrities
of the Chinese film and television industries.
Song Zude, the president of Guangdong Song Zude
TV & MEDIA Co., appealed to Premier Wen Jiabao:
“Save Blind Lawyer Chen Guangcheng!”
Song went on to write that local authorities
“maintain the stability” at a huge expense.
“How can they be so cruel to a blind person?”

Lawyer Tang Jingling says he finds the CCP’s crackdown on
a blind person so crazy that it is beyond normal understanding.

“On the other hand, some friends who are risking their lives
continue to go to visit him. But this intensifies the conflict,
or keeps it going. Like a canteen, if each one of us keeps
investing in its operation, the investment keeps growing.
So the outcome is that more and more attention is drawn
to it. And when Chen’s case is heated up beyond a certain
degree, those who have a social reputation, but previously
didn’t dare or cared too much about public affairs, begin then to
focus on this event, expanding yet another wave on this matter.”

On October 12th the mouthpiece of the CCP, the Global Times, published an article making an unusual
review on Chen Guangcheng’s case.

The Voice of America commented that the article written by Shan
Renping was confusingly entitled:
“Chen Guangcheng’s Event Should Not Be Idealized"

The Voice of America cites an example,
saying that the Global Times article claims
that if Chinese society plans to make a comprehensive
development, Chinese citizens will have to accept
their human rights being trampled on.

The Shanghai-based Oriental Morning Post also
issued a rare comment this Thursday.
It said that the media just needs to inform the public,
in an objective and comprehensive way, who is
Chen Guangcheng. That should be enough for people are discerning,
says the article.

NTD reporters Zhou Yulin, Li Jing and Xiao Yan
