【禁闻】传爆江死讯测反应 倒江计划早已定










Rumours Said “Jiang’s Death” was a Test.
Plan Has Been Made

Hong Kong’s Ming Po Daily newspaper reported that
since the Bo Xilai affair,
the struggle between Hu Jintao and Jiang Zemin
has intensified. Hu is winning so far.
On March 29, Ming Po Daily published an article wrote
by a given name Pan Xiaotao.
It reported that soon after Bo’s removal, rumours spread that

Jiang’s No.1 relative, Zhou Yongkang, secretary of the Central
Political and Legislative Committee, was in a bad situation.
In addition, rumours said that Bo and Zhou were being held
for investigation.
Bo’s end would possibly be like Chen Yuliang, Shanghai
party secretary, and become Jiang and Hu’s struggle “sacrifice”.
This is the first round that Jiang lost.

The article analyses that Jiang and Hu’s other struggle
“sacrifice” is Henry Tang Ying-yen.
Henry Tang failed in the Hong Kong Chief Executive
Election, and was Jiang’s favourite candidate.
However, two weeks before the election, he was abandoned
by the Liaison Office of the CCP regime in Hong Kong.
Ming Po Daily said that the failure of Henry Tang’s dream
was Hu Jintao’s effort.
Jiang Zemin lost again in this round of power struggles.
The article analyzed that recently, Hu visited abroad.
Li Keqiang, Hu’s faction core man,
will attend Boao Forum in April in Hannan.
It indicates Beijing’s situation is settled, otherwise, two core
men in Hu’s faction wouldn’t be away at the same time.

The Epoch Times newspaper reports from
a Beijing source on March 29.
“Early last year, when the media reported Jiang’s death,
Hu was about to start struggle towards Jiang’s faction. It was a first test.”
This person also said that Hu’s 18th Congress structure
Actually was already planned.
One of his plans was rumour of “Jiang’s death”,
leaking to foreign media by secret arrangement.
This was on the one hand, to test Jiang’s faction’s
response and actual power.
This forced Jiang to show up, then to estimate
Jiang’s health condition.
On the other hand, it was to test Chinese public’s reaction,
confirming public opinion.
Jiang’s faction’s reactions and the public celebration
with fireworks etc, to encourage Hu, his Think Tank and Wen Jiabao to make plans to Jiang.”

On March 29, Beijing tax office gave a result
of Ai Weiwei’s tax evasion case.
The verdict was Ai will continue to pay penalty of
15 million Yuan (US$2.4 million).
Ai said he has done nothing wrong. He said the authorities
accused his company of tax evasion, to damage his reputation.
While intimidating and preventing him from “taking part in
public affairs and criticising the regime.”
Ai’s lawyer, Pu Zhiqiang said they would continue
to fight the fine.
