【禁闻】"007″之死成焦点 王立军拟先赴英领馆

【新唐人2012年3月30日讯】“英国广播公司BBC”28号透露,重庆市前副市长王立军在进入美国驻成都领事馆寻求庇护前,曾经安排到英国重庆领馆与英国官员见面,可能和死亡的英国商人海伍德(Neil Heywood)有关。与薄熙来家庭有20多年密切关系的英国人海伍德,疑似有情报人员身份,最近成为世界主流媒体的焦点。














编辑/宋风 后制/周平

On March 28th, the BBC revealed news on Wang Lijun,
former deputy mayor of Chongqing.
Prior to going to the US Consulate in Chengdu, Wang
arranged to meet officials in Chongqing’s UK Consulate.
This may have something to do with the death
of British businessman Neil Heywood.
Having close ties of 20 years with Bo Xilai’s family,
Heywood is suspected of being intelligence personnel.
Recently, this has become the focus
of the world’s mainstream media.

BBC announced that British government sources confirmed,
Wang Lijun had arranged to meet with UK Consulate staff.
The meeting was to take place in February, in the UK’s
Consulate in Chongqing, but Wang did not show up.
A few hours later, Wang Lijun entered
the US Consulate in Chengdu.

BBC said, this may have to do with the death of Heywood,
which was investigated by Wang Lijun.
Heywood was a British businessman,
and had many contacts with Bo Xilai’s family.

Tkacik, director of US’ program Future of Asia and former
US Deputy Consul in Guangzhou, spoke on the issue.
Tkacik thinks Wang’s entry to the US Consulate was for life
protection and negotiation with the Chinese Communist Party’ (CCP) government.
Wang’s intention of going to UK’ Consulate may be related
to the unexplained death of Heywood in November last year.

Heywood’s family in the UK was told,
that Heywood died due to heart attack.
However, CCP’s explanation to the British Embassy
was that Heywood’s death was due to alcohol overdose.

Wall Street Journal reported on March 26th, that a number
of sources mentioned in an interview about a different death.
They said, Wang Lijun had claimed that his and Bo Xilai’s
falling is due to him telling Bo about Heywood’s poisoning.
A source said, according to Wang Bo Xilai’s wife Gu Kailai
and Heywood were involved in commercial disputes.

British’ Guardian revealed, it was Heywood that helped Bo’s
couple to send their son to Harrow School, Oxford University.

In an official internal report on Wang Lijun’s case,
a local official explains the issue.
Wang found the issues of Bo’s family in his investigation,
and reported to Bo Xilai about it.
This caused discontent in Bo and led to intensification
of the conflicts between Wang Lijun and Bo Xilai.

Chongqing police’ sources said to Asia Week, Wang Lijun
was involved in Heywood’s case at the end of 2011, and had questioned the cause of Heywood’s death.
But they could not confirm that there were disputes
between Bo Xilai and Wang Lijun.

However, what makes this case become hot rapidly
is the identity of Heywood.

Wall Street Journal from March 27th, also spoke about
Heywood, the British businessman who died in Chongqing.
They said, Heywood sometimes provided consulting
services to a British strategic intelligence company.
The company’s spokesman confirmed to Western media,
that before Heywood died, he worked for their company.

Financial New Network in mainland China also spoke
about Heywood’s identity as an intelligence agent.
They said, if this is confirmed, the close ties of Bo’s family
with foreign intelligence officer will be added to Bo Xilai’s investigation, and will be another heavy blow to Bo.

Hong Kong’s Apple Daily analyzed that through the contacts
with Bo Xilai’s son Bo Guagua, Heywood purposely approached the inner circle of Bo Xilai’s family.
Thus he found out a lot about Bo Xilai’s secrets,
that are unknown by the outside world.
Eventually Bo Xilai found out about this,
and killed him to silence him, thinks the media.

Senior Chinese journalist Gao Yu said, when the truth of Gu
Kailai and Wang Lijun is revealed, the world will be amazed.
In the one-party dictatorship system, each of the high CCP
officials in fact can expect the same fate as Bo Xilai.
