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Former Chinese Communist Party (CCP) mouthpiece journalist
said CCP failed to acknowledge June 4th massacre victims

As the anniversary of June 4th incident in 1989 is advancing,

the “June Fourth Commemorative Museum” in Hong Kong
has become a special place for mainland tourists to visit.
Recently, a former People’s Daily journalist who was
dismissed from her job after the incident told Hong Kong
media that it is one of the most cruel and distorted facts
that the CCP hasn’t rehabilitated June 4th victims.

Recently, a former People’s Daily journalist accidentally met
a Ming Pao journalist as she visited the “June Fourth Commemorative Museum” in Hong Kong.
She accepted the interview with the alias of “Li Wei”.

At that time, the museum’s large screen was playing footage
of 100,000 students who gathered at Beijing Tiananmen Square in 1989.
As she watched the video, “Li Wei” found that
she couldn’t help gasping, choking and trembling.
She had to spend several minutes calming down
before the interview.

“Li Wei”, former People’s Daily journalist says: ”I never
imagined that the incident still hasn’t been resolved after so many years.
This is one of the most cruel, distorted and unfair
facts which lasts such a long time.”

Li Wei has experienced the June 4th massacre herself.

She can still remember the bullet holes and human brains
on the street after the massacre.
Therefore she felt angry and disturbed as the CCP still refuses
to admit its guilt.

Victim of June 4th incident, democratic activist Zheng Cunzhu
said that
the CCP’s strategy is to “hide the truth” and it expects Chinese
people to forget about the incident as time elapses.

Zheng Cunzhu also says: ”Many believe the next generation
of CCP leaders might carry out some kind of political reform.
However, no matter who attempts to do that, either a CCP
leader or not,
he has to deal with the facts such as June 4th massacre and
persecution on Falun Gong practitioners.
These problems have to be dealt with.

If the CCP really wants to do this, it can’t just easily say
we have made a mistake.
In my opinion, there are many things to do with the law
and all the crimes must be brought to justice.”

”Li Wei” revealed that 90 % of journalists in People’s Daily
supported the student movement in 1989, including herself.
They attended the protests in different ways. After June 4th
massacre, the whole office encountered a political purge.
From the managers to editors and journalists, only two of
the existing staff were kept after the incident.
Since then, “Li Wei” never worked as a journalist again.

Li Wei said she would attend the vindication parade on June
4th incident held by Hong Kong Alliance.
She thanked Hong Kong residents for their persistence of
June 4th spirit.
“Li Wei” believed that Hong Kong would continue to be the
frontline of China’s democratic movement.

Democracy leader Zhang Jian remarked that the rectification
of June 4th incident requires huge determination from the CCP’s “conscience group” led by Wen Jiabao.

Zhang Jian says: ”If June 4th victims were acknowledged,
how about other unjust cases?
How about Falun Gong practitioners?
How about petitioners and human rights activists?
How to deal with those countless bloody debts accumulated
all these years…”

The Financial Times reported earlier that Wen Jiabao has
mentioned “reappraisal of June 4th incident” three times in the CCP’s high-level secret meetings;
but his suggestion was denied by other officials.

(Zhang Jian, democracy leader) says: “If the June 4th victims
were rehabilitated, can other persecuted groups be rehabilitated as well?
Personally I believe that if there are enough conscientious people
in the CCP regime to acknowledge June 4th victims,
then we can call it a real start to China’s democracy.
Perhaps the whole CCP regime will collapse at that moment.”

On May 27th, the Hong Kong Alliance called for a massive
parade requiring the rehabilitation of June 4th incident.
This news has been reported by most media in Hong Kong.

There are uncensored messages revealing the parade
information on Chinese micro-blog websites as well. This is considered very unusual.

Earlier on March 21st before Bo Xilai’s dismissal, there were
rumors about the coup in Beijing being circulated online.
Some netizens found that sensitive words like “June Fourth”,

“Zhao Ziyang”, “Falun Gong” and “Shen Yun” were available
to search on baidu.com.

Is it the CCP’s inside struggle or malfunction of the national
firewall which temporarily opened the online search of censored words?
More evidence has yet to be collected to
give a clear answer.
However, there are observers who believe that this is a
possible sign of Hu-Wen’s preparation on acknowledging June 4th victims and other to be suppressed groups.
