【禁闻】习近平被将军 反腐应从江泽民开刀




夏业良:“只不过说,他现在想做一点样子给大家看,就是反腐,打一些腐败官员 ,但这种反腐是有选择性的,一般是打小苍蝇或者小老虎,不会打大老虎,而且是选择那些异己力量来开刀,他要真想反腐的话,我就给他一个激将法吧,他能够从江泽民开始吗?从江泽民家族、李鹏家族开刀,这才是真正的打腐败。”








采访编辑/常春 后制/薛莉

Upon learning that the Governor of Calif. was coming to visit,

The new CCP general secretary Xi Jinping started
his inspection tour in Guangdong.
On December 9th, he hosted an economic forum in
Guangzhou and stressed:
“Never avoiding problems and never covering up
the problem”.
However, an overseas Chinese economist has pointed out,
the corrupt officials who have been knocked out recently are just small fry or small tigers.
Xi Jinping should start an investigation on Jiang Zemin’s
family to prove his anti-corruption determination.

Upon learning that the Governor of Calif. was coming to visit,

On December 9th, Xi discussed the current economic
situation at an economic forum in Guangzhou
He pointed out, the government should keep a clear mind
on the complex and rapidly changing situation.
The government should notice the long-term nature,
complexity and twists and turns nature of the international and domestic unfavorable factors.
Never avoiding problems and never covering up
the problem.
To prepare from harm and strive
for the best results – firmly grasp the initiative.

Upon learning that the Governor of Calif. was coming to visit,
After taking position, Xi started to increase
anti-corruption action.
Lei Zhengfu, the CCP Secretary of Beibei, Chongqing
was removed from his position 60 hours after the exposure
of his promiscuous video 5 years ago
He is under criminal investigation now.

A department official of Guangdong was under
investigation after the exposure of the undertaking to his lover.
Besides, another four senior officials have been sacked
due to involvement incorruption, including Wei Jinfeng,
the former deputy director of the Finance Department of
Guangdong, Lv Yingming, deputy director of the Office of Land and Resources,
Zheng Beiquan,the Vice Mayor and Chief of the
Public Security Bureau in Yingde, Cheng Hongping, the CCP secretary of Jieyang.

Upon learning that the Governor of Calif. was coming to visit,

Xia Yeliang: “Now he wants to move on a little and show
But this is a kind of selective anti-corruption , only for small
fry or small tigers. He will never touch the big tigers and he just deals with the alien force.
If he really wants to deal with the corruption issue,
let me give him blindingly obvious advice,
why can’t he start an investigation on
Jiang Zemin’s family?
He should do a surgery on Jiang Zemin’s family and
on the family of Li Peng to show his determination.

Upon learning that the Governor of Calif. was coming to visit,
As for the “never avoiding problems and never covering up
the problem” mentioned, Xia Yeliang, a Chinese economist
in the U.S. analysed.
He said that under the premise of maintaining one-party
authoritarianism, Xi Jinping may do something for
keeping the economy growth and dealing with the social
contradictions which need to be resolved.
However, as Xia Yeliang said, it does not mean that
Now people will be able to discuss issues openly.

Upon learning that the Governor of Calif. was coming to visit,
Xia Yeliang: “For example, if we proposed constitutional
democracy and the rule of law in China,
or if we proposed multi-party and democratic elections,
I am sure he would not have an open attitude.
Before his talk in Guangdong, we may notice his
“scope limit” attitude from the 18th CCP national congress report and his talks in other cities.”

Upon learning that the Governor of Calif. was coming to visit,

Besides, according to economic suggestions from other
officials, Xi Jinping stressed, what is desperately needed is to accelerate strategic adjustment of economic structure.

Upon learning that the Governor of Calif. was coming to visit,
Commentator Lin Zixu pointed out, the key point is how to
adjust the economic structure?
Political structure blends together with
the economic structure.
The readjustment of the economic structure will be
empty talk without change in the political system.

Upon learning that the Governor of Calif. was coming to visit,
Lin Zixu: “After Xi Jinping took position, he started many
actions on refreshing officialdom.
We do not doubt his political ambitions.

However, based on the recent actions of Xi Jinping,
we find that he still plans to solve the problems with the premise of maintaining the CCP.
Therefore, there will not be any real solution.

Everybody should know that the problems can not be solved
as long as the CCP exists.”

learning that the Governor of Calif. was coming to visit,

Besides, Xi Jinping chose in Shenzhen as his first inspection
destination to imitate Deng Xiaoping
This could be viewed as “to release the signal for
continuing the economy reform”
It helps the CCP move through the huge crisis.
However, analysis pointed out that a country’s future
development direction is determined by an inspection tour
This folly only happens in the communist system, which
completely deviates from a free and civilized society.

Upon learning that the Governor of Calif. was coming to visit,

Xia Yeliang said, it is useless to solve something on the
surface instead of touching the fundamental problems and contradictions.
He stressed, China’s fundamental problem is a
one-party autocracy.
The CCP controls all the power and resources, which leads to
corrupt officialdom and various interest groups.
One-party autocracy is the real problem of the CCP.

We need to solve this fundamental institutional
problem if we want real future change.
