
【新唐人2013年02月07日讯】 (美国之音电) 在中国和其他一些亚洲国家的农历新年即将到来之际,美国国务卿约翰•克里发表书面声明,祝贺新春。美国之音的中文译文和英文原文如下:



在这个星期,数以百万计的人将旅行————有些人是长途旅行 ——以便与亲人团聚,共度农历新年。在美国这里,许多家庭也同样会聚一堂,迎接新年。几代移民社区举行的这些公共和私人的庆祝活动,凸显美国社会的多元化和美国人民与来自世界各地的人民之间深刻而复杂的纽带关系。欧巴马总统和我期待着加强我们的承诺,通过促进经济增长、改善区域安全和推动人民之间的友谊合作等举措,同亚太人民建立日益牢固的关系。


2013 Lunar New Year
John Kerry
Secretary of State
Washington, DC
February 6, 2013

On behalf of the American people, I am delighted to send my heartfelt wishes for good health, good fortune, happiness, and prosperity to all those around the world celebrating the arrival of the Lunar New Year this February 10.

This week, millions of people will make the journey – some across great distances – to reunite with their loved ones to mark the Lunar New Year. Here in the United States, many families will likewise gather to welcome the New Year. These public and private celebrations, held by multigenerational immigrant communities, highlight the diversity of American society and the deep and complex bonds that link the American people with peoples from around the world. President Obama and I look forward to strengthening our commitment to building ever-stronger relations with the people of the Asia-Pacific through initiatives that foster economic growth, improve regional security, and advance cooperative friendships among our peoples.

In this festive time, I would like to wish all great success in the coming year as we continue to work together to deepen partnerships and find solutions to the challenges we face.
