【禁闻】赵紫阳秘书揭六四屠杀 反人类罪




前已故中共总书记赵紫阳秘书鲍彤:“我的看法是六四不应该镇压,不应该用武力来镇压,更不应该开枪。我们大家都一致认为,你这是错误的,而且犯了反人类罪。 ”



鲍彤:“后来镇压了,而且开了枪了,造成了这么多伤亡,而且主要不是学生,主要还是市民,恐怕能更多一些。 ”




汪建华:“ 现在警察暴力执法很多,就是六四造成他们无法无天,他们能够敢开枪杀手无寸铁的学生、老百姓,他们就敢打,现在。”




为赵紫阳工作的前北京警察 李金平:“ 要说追究这个问题,还是国际上比较有实力。靠一个国家是不行的,自己纠正自己是太困难了,得有外力,没有外力督促他们根本不行,做坏事就这么让他们过去了,那能成吗?”

汪建华:“ 他们在没有认识错误以前,我希望国际社会制裁的。”

“天安门母亲”张先玲:“ 我相信鲍彤先生的话是有根据的。 如果真正国际法庭能够介入,我也不会反对。”


采访编辑/张天宇 后制/君卓

Zhao Ziyang’s Secretary Reveals Tiananmen Massacre As
Crime Against Humanity

With the upcoming 24th Anniversary of the1989 June 4th
Tiananmen Square Massacre, overseas media revealed a video
clip of an interview of Bao Tong, secretary of the former
Chinese Communist Party (CCP) General Secretary Zhao Ziyang.
Bao Tong disclosed for the first time: CCP’s armed crackdown
of students is “crime against humanity".
This cannot be resolved by rulers’ vindication.

U.S. based Boxun News recently disclosed a 33-minute clip
of an interview to Zhao Ziyang’s former Secretary Bao Tong.

He said that everyone wished for the new CCP leaders
to “Bring Vindication to June 4th ”.
The CCP committed “crimes against humanity" during the
“June 4th Incident,” which cannot be ended by a vindication.

Bao Tong, secretary of former CCP General Secretary: “My
view is that there should not be repression, armed repression,
or even shooting during the “June 4th Movement”.
We all think it is wrong and is a crime against humanity.”

Crimes against Humanity is part of the international law,

including the government’s policy of atrocities they allow
such as political persecution by murdering people, etc.

Bao Tong also said that according to the data of the Red Cross,
the death toll of June 4th was more than 2,000 people.

Bao Tong: “The CCP suppressed the event and opened fire,
causing many casualties, primarily citizens.”

June 4 victim Wang Jianhua: ”At that time we all witnessed
the CCP’s cruelty. The fact is that it killed people with guns.”

Bao Tong recalled after the suppression, the media all reported
the CCP’s so-called wise and decisive decision.
He stood up to question, if the suppression of the students was
wise, will the authorities adopt the same valuable experience
against innocent people in future events?

Bao Tong’s concern eventually turned into reality.

Wang Jianhuan: “Many police resort to violence in law
enforcement. June 4th Incident is the reason.
They dare to open fire on unarmed students and people.
They dare to do so.”

Bao Tong also pointed out that violence is the authorities’
most frequently used method against human rights activists.
All regions, from the central government to local authorities,
all use violence to suppress people.
He said: “It can no longer go on like this.”

He pointed out that June 4th is an injustice.

Other injustice include: Zhao Ziyang being slandered,
visiting Soviet General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev
betraying Deng Xiaoping,
exposure of Deng Xiaoping as the key decision maker in
sending troops to suppress the students,
and Bao Tong accused of leaking to the students
confidential martial law.

Bao Tong thinks a fair and independent organization should
reevaluate June 4th, and compensate victims.

Both the June 4th victims and their families agree with this.

Beijing Policeman Li Jinping who worked for Zhao Ziyang:
“About pursuing this issue, the international society has the power.
We cannot depend on a government. It is hard to correct itself.
We need external forces. How can they get by after doing bad things?”

Wang Jianhua: “Before they realize their mistake.
I hope the international community start sanctions.”

Tiananmen Mothers Zhang Xianling:
“I believe the words of Mr. Bao Tong.
If the international court can intervene, I would not oppose it.”

Bao Tong, 80 year sold, was sentenced to seven years in
prison after the June 4th Incident for leaking state secrets
and counter-revolutionary propaganda and incitement.”
He was locked up at Qincheng prison.
Bao Tong was released in 1996, but he continues to be
under house arrest and monitored by the authorities.
