【禁闻】699万应届生史上最难就业 习李心惊

















采访/朱智善 编辑/唐睿 后制/王明宇

Seven Million University Students Find It
Difficult To Get A Job

7 million university students will graduate in July in
Mainland China, but the majority haven’t allocated a job yet.
Chinese media said that the students’ employment rate is
lower than previous years.
The new leaders also worried about the slowdown of the
economy and rising unemployment.
Premier Li Keqiang warns that China faces unprecedented
challenges in addressing the employment of graduated students.
“If the majority of the students are disgruntled, this might be
a threat to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)”.

There are about seven million students graduating
from universities in 2013.
This is 0.19 million students more than 2012,
which breaks the history record.
Official media reported that this year’s graduated university
students will take 50% of the new human resources market.
There were 1/4 million graduated but have no jobs in 2012,
those unemployment figures became extreme pressure.

By the end of April, only 30% of graduates found jobs in
Shanghai and Guangdong, 10% less than previous years.
In Beijing, only 28% of graduates found jobs.

Sources said that now postgraduate students will
need to take exams again.
When the exam result were announced in May, 20% of them
failed. There is fierce competition in the job market in the future.

Sun Wenguang, a retired professor in Shandong University
said that China’s education system is the leading cause.
Sun said that, in order to gain interest, the universities didn’t
consider the needs of society, so increased enrolment every year.

Sun Wenguang: “To increase the enrolment numbers
can get more fees, adding to the income and bonus.
They try their best to enrol more students,
expanding school buildings and campuses.
This way, the education system changes to
commercial business.”

Teacher Chen, Jinnan University, Shandong: “The proportion
of enrolment is large, so graduated students numbers increased.
Another reason is the retirement age has extended,
this is also a big pressure for them.”

Sun Wenguang said that China markets have excess output,
so many companies face bankruptcy.
This is one reason causing the unemployment.

Sun Wenguang: “Now the economic growth is declining.
It can not be solved in a couple of years.”

Economic Information newspaper in
Mainland China reported that in 2013
the stimulated macro-economic growth is lower
than expected, and the number of plans have declined.
In February, a survey on 500 companies shows that nearly
recruitment is reduced by 15% compared with last year.
The students said that the pressure is too heavy.

Mr. Zeng in South China Normal University: “It is harder to
find a job compared to last year.IApril/May, it wasn’t very good.
Big companies normally will employ some students then.
this year only small and medium companies did.
The welfare isn’t very high. Some people do find it difficult to
get work, they didn’t determine to set a standard for a job.”

Zeng said that some students’ subject are not practical,
they have to study a new subject from the beginning.

Zeng: “Some courses are really not practical. In our school,
Accounting and Human Resources are easy to find jobs.
But E-Business and Information Management
are more difficult to get jobs in.
We have to study a new course again,
most knowledge needs to be learned again.”

The CCP new leadership are worried by the slowdown
of economy and the increasing levels of unemployment.
Last week, leader Xi Jinping visited Tianjin Human Resources
Development Promotion Centre, talking to staff and students.
Premier Li Keqiang said in a telephone conference that China
faces an unprecedented challenge to solve employment problems.

Sun Wenguang: “Some graduated students can’t find jobs.
It may be the problem of the social system.
Now the country didn’t respect human rights,
and officials are corrupt.
The students may become a power,
pushing the society to reform.”

In China’s modern history, angry students
have played an important role;
In the 1919 social movements, from1966 to 1976 the Cultural
Revolution, and the Tiananmen Students Movement in 1989.
