【禁闻】索契中日同往 “俄拒助华”有内幕





旅美政论家伍凡:“第一,要(普京)买它的石油。 第二,他们在叙利亚和乌克兰的问题上,基本上立场是一致的。但是中国没有那么嚣张、那么明目张胆。普京非常嚣张。习近平希望拉着俄罗斯壮胆,跟美国人、日本人来斗。”







伍凡表示,相比中共,俄罗斯更希望日本到西伯利亚投资,也希望得到日本的技术。相反,它并不希望中共投入过多的钱到西伯利亚,因为这会影响领土归属问题。 所以俄国跟日本的关系不会放松。




采访/朱智善 编辑/王子琦 后制/黎安安

Russia Declines to Assist Sovereignty Dispute as China and Japan Leaders Appear Together At Sochi.

Chinese President Xi Jinping’s visit to the Sochi Winter
Olympics Opening Ceremony continues to draw attention.
This is the first international sports event that
the Chinese Communist leader has attended.
This also represents Xi Jinping’s fifth
meeting with Putin since Xi took office.
Political implications and subtle relationships between
China, Russia and Japan are of particular concern.

Xi Jinping arrived in Sochi, Russia
in the afternoon of February 6.
Xi Jinping then met with Putin for the first time this year.

Some foreign leaders have boycotted the games, making
a clear stance against human rights abuses in Russia.
Xi Jinping attending the opening ceremony is thus
considered a friendly gesture from China to Putin.

Political commentator Wu Fan analyzes that other
than human rights, the Sochi Winter Olympics
Opening also faces other hard-hitting issues.
This includes Russia’s support of the Syrian
government, and ongoing problems in the Ukraine.
Russia’s all-out efforts to support a leftist
Ukraine has kept Ukraine out of the EU.
In issues such as these, Russia and China
share similar positions and interests.

Wu Fan, political commentator:
“Firstly, Putin wans to buy its oil.
Secondly, they share the same view
on the issues of Syria and the Ukraine.
This is despite China not being public about this
stance. Putin, however, is quite arrogant and blatant.
Xi Jinping hopes to gain support from Russia
against the Japanese and the Americans."

Russian media reported that 44 foreign heads of state
or government, including Xi Jinping and Japanese Prime
Minister Abe, will be present at the opening ceremony.

This is according to Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov.

Japanese PM Abe appearance will coincide with
the first time he has appeared with Xi Jinping since
his last December 26 visit to Yasukuni shrine.
The chance for the two to conduct conversations
and handshakes is thought to be slim, however.

Any slight interaction between the two, and
the relationship between China, Russia,
and Japan will become an important topic.

Hong Kong Economic Times analyzed
China’s current foreign policy stance.
This is to “unite with Russia, build a relationship
with South Korea, and to stand against Japan."

According to an AFP report, quoting Mainichi Shimbun,
Beijing said it would support Moscow in its decades-old
dispute over sovereignty of islands to the north of Japan.

This is in exchange for backing its row over
ownership of an East China Sea archipelago.
The offer has been made repeatedly since 2010,
citing diplomatic sources in Russia and Japan.
This has always been brushed off.

AFP also pointed out that the Russo-Japanese dispute
is in stark contrast to Tokyo’s dispute with Beijing.
Abe and Putin have already held four summits
since Abe took office in December 2012.

Wu Fan: “Why has Russia declined China’s offer?
It is to the benefit of Russia for the dispute
between China and Japan to continue.
There is also a land dispute between Russia and China.
For over 100 years, even though Jiang Zemin
signed a treaty, the issue might return in
the future, and that concerns Moscow.
That’s why Russia will not support
China in the Diaoyu Islands dispute."

Analysts have pointed out that the Chinese
regime needs Russian resources such as oil.
It is also fighting against the alliance
between Japan and the United States.
However, Russia is not yet overwhelmingly
supportive of the Chinese regime.

Wu Fan believes that Russia favors investment
to Siberia from Japan more than from China.
It also favors technology transfer from Japan.
Too much investment from China will
affect the territorial issues with Siberia.
Therefore, Russia will not cut it’s ties with Japan.

Gifree.groupsite.com founder Zhang Xinyu
observes that the Chinese regime has not
formed an alliance with Russia in the true sense.
Their relationships are unlike those of the
United States, Japan, The Philippines and Australia.
It is entirely one of mutual exploitation.

Zhang Xinyu: “Moscow took such a large territory
from China, with full awareness that this was because
of the Chinese leadership, done with a secret deal.
It knows that once an elected government
is realized in China, the treaty signed
by Jiang Zemin will not be recognized.
Thhe land will be demanded to be returned, and
for Russia, it hopes China’s regime will not fall."

BBC Chinese quoted analysts comments.,
The CCP is alert and concerned over
close ties between Japan and Russia.
These ties have the potential to weaken
the alliance between China and Russia.

Interview/Zhu Zhishan Edit/Wang Ziqi Post-Production/LiAnan
