【禁闻】网警受贿被抓 中宣部禁令可交易?















采访编辑/张天宇 后制/李勇

Internet Police Bribe or Publicity Organ Division of Spoils?

A bribery case involving Internet police four months ago was
recently revealed.
An Internet policeman of Haikou City, Hainan Province, received
bribes of nearly one million yuan for deleting hundreds of
posts negative to the image of local governments.

Was the bribery due to personal misconduct?
Could there be pushing hands behind the bribery?
The following is some of the public opinion.

Wei Yining was a former Internet police captain of Haikou
Municipal Public Security Bureau.
He was sentenced to 10 years imprisonment last Dec. 20 for
What was surprising about the bribery case was that, involved
in the case were 11 bribers, also Internet police from 11 public
security bureaus of six provinces.

Chinese media reported that the 11 police had bribed the
Haikou police on “official" business, i.e., to delete unwelcome
information for local governments and officials.

In the name of “maintaining the image of government" they
paid Wei Yining to do the job.
These 11 Internet police had paid Wei a total of 700,000
yuan in a year of work.
An Internet policeman, in particular from Huanggan City of Hubei
had bribed Wei 148 times with a total pay of 480,000 yuan
within a year.

Huang Liangtian, former editor of Baixing Magazine: It
happens all the time.
In China, there is a slogan in the media industry, “paid, no news".

That means, a piece of news could be very worthwhile to the
public but affect the career of the entity.
So, if you pay, then there’ll be no news. This is very common.

it’s not just the Internet police, newspapers and media would
do the same.
Do some public relations, then there’ll be no report."

Why are Haikou City police in particular bribed? It is known
that the most influential social media on behalf of the most
vulnerable groups, www.tianya.cn and club.kdnet.net, are
located in Haikou.
The Internet police at Haikou are in charge of monitoring,
intelligence gathering and information disposition of these
two Web sites.

Under Haikou police instruction, posts will be deleted in
10 minutes with no questions asked.

Evidence showed that Wei Yining had used the Haikou
Municipal Public Security account to complete 280 “paid"
deletions at both Web sites.

Although the Internet police involved in the bribery case were
exposed and sentenced for manipulating censorship, some
media commented that the police were just the “scapegoats."

Comments asked who paid for the tens of thousands of
“deletion fees"?
Who were the officials that don"t want to see the “negative" posts?
What were their roles in the illegal deletion of the Internet posts?
Why weren"t they being held responsible?

While blaming the Internet police and the Web site managers
for abusing their authority, many people also pointed out
that the Publicity Department, the media regulator, is the real
culprit behind the case.

Huang Liangtian: “Sometimes the money was directly sent to
the Publicity authorities, who will just call and instruct not to
publish, then that was it."

A commentary from www.PCPOP.com indicated that in the big
pie of censorship, Internet police only share a small piece.
The majority of it went to the Publicity organ, which has two
specific authorities: One is that it’s not restricted, and the
other is that it’s hidden.

Any internal organ of the CCP has no control or mechanism
against it.

Huang Liangtian: All of the orders to delete came from some
authority or (another), in the name of state secrets, the security of the
Party or the leadership.

The majority of them were for the sake of personal interest.

When I was the chief editor of Baixing Magazine, I often
received phone calls from the Publicity Department.
One time I asked if they had taken bribes. How do you
know what I would publish?
That scared them, so they just hung up.

Former chief editor of Baixing Magazine, Huang Liangtian
analyzes that exposure of the Internet police bribery case was
very likely due to the unclear division of spoils between the
Internet police and the Publicity Department.

Interview & Edit/zhang tian yu Post-Production/Li Yong
