












Oct. 14 Protecting Freedom and Defending Rights – Update

Let’s take a look at today’s human rights activities in China.

1. Four or More Legal Professionals Arrested in Beijing

Civil Rights & Livelihood Watch website (msguancha.com)
reported on Oct. 14 that at least four legal professional
were arrested by Beijing police.

The arrest of lawyer Wang Yu was confirmed today.

Three lawyers (Wang Cheng, Li Duilong and Yu Wensheng)
and a civilian (Song Ze) have been disappeared since Oct. 13.
They need urgent help from other lawyers.

Yu wensheng is the lawyer for Zhang Zonggang, who was
arrested for supporting Hong Kong’s Occupy Central movement.
Yu visited the detention center on Oct. 11, and asked for
a meeting with his client.
However, his request was denied. At the same night, he was
forcibly driven away by police from the place.

2. Producer of China’s Constitutionalism History Documentary
Sued by CCP Procuratorate

Human Rights Defender (weiquanwang.com) reported
the arrest of Shen Yongping on Oct. 14.
Shen was the producer of the documentary “Constitutionalism
in China in the Past Century".
On Sept. 2, he was sued by Beijing Chaoyang District
Procuratorate for “unlawful business operation".

Shen Yongping, a post-80, graduated from the Law Department,
of Peking University.
His lawyer Zhang Xuezhong said on weibo that Shen once
asked for donations to complete the documentary.
Although his activity was not solely for the purpose
of making a profit, he was still charged with
“unlawful business operation".

Shen became the first individual who lost personal freedom
due to filming China’s constitutionalism history.

3. Guangdong Rights Activist Calls for More UN Efforts in
Human Rights Protection

On Oct. 13, Guangdong rights activist Xu Lin released
an “Appeal for More United Nation Efforts in Worldwide
Human Rights Protection" on the Internet.

Xu expects people from all social classes to jointly
sign the appeal.

In his letter, Xu says hat he is seriously worries that a possible
humanitarian crisis may take place in Hong Kong.

4. 8-YEAR OLD Petitioner from Tianjin ARRESTED with Her Father

Tianjin rights activist Xu Nailai and his 8-YEAR-OLD daughter
had been missing since Oct. 13 in Beijing.
His friends later found that they were forcibly brought away
by police at about 7 p.m. on Oct. 12. Their whereabouts is
still unknown.

Xu Nailai had said on WeChat that he would go to Hong Kong
to support Occupy Central movement.
Currently it is not clear whether the arrest of Xu and
his daughter is a result of his WeChat comments.
