【禁闻】原大连尸体工厂员工 韩国曝内幕

【新唐人2014年10月23日讯】原大连尸体工厂员工 韩国曝内幕









贵州化工厂污染 两月夺六命




Former Korean Dalian Corpse Factory Worker Exposed
The Inside Information

Recently, a Chinese Korean Mr. Li described his work
experience in the former Dalian corpse plant in Korea.

He confirmed that former Chongqing Secretary Bo Xilai and
his wife Gu Kailai were involved in it to make profits.

According to the Epoch Times News report on Oct. 22,
Mr. Li recently confirmed live organ harvesting is true.

Li was responsible for liver process and assembly. After
seeing the banners exposing the Chinese Communist Party
(CCP) organ harvesting and selling of corpses in Seoul,
South Korea, he came forward.

He said the human specimen was from a real person.

Mr. Li said, he worked at Dalian Corpse Plant for a year
and a half from 2004 after graduating from medical school.

Mr Li said that the body plant treated people disgracefully
to process bodies.

Normal people cannot tolerate it. All staff there had
graduated from medical school.

Poll: Supporters Increase for Occupy Central in Hong Kong

On Oct. 22, the Opinion Research Center of the Chinese
University of Hong Kong revealed the latest poll.

It showed the increased number of supporters at the
Occupy Central movement in Hong Kong.

The survey ran from Oct.8 to 15.

The did random phone interviews with Hong Kong people
over 15 years old.

A total of 802 people participated in the survey.

The result showed that 37.8 percent of respondents supported
Occupy Central.

This is about 7 percent more than in September,
which was at 31.1 percent.

The opposition to Occupy Central is 35.5%, roughly an 11%
decrease compared with 46.3 percent in September.

Guizhou Chemical Pollution Kills Six People in Two Months

On Oct 18, in the Prairie grass oil town of Guizhou Tongzi
County village, another villager died of leukemia.

This is the sixth death from illness since August from people
close to Tongzi coal chemical plant.

According to Radio Free Asia report, Tongzi coal chemical
industry plant is a large state-owned enterprise.

Local villagers complained that the large amount of exhaust
gas made trees dry out and green leaves turn yellow.

Since August, increasing numbers of villagers died
due to the poison.

However, the general manager denied the company
polluted the environment during investigation by reporters.

Edit/Zhou Yulin
