【禁闻】无良艺人? 官民衡量两杆秤


“共青团中央”21号在官方微博网发起“青年调查”投票活动,点名黄秋生(Anthony Wong),杜汶泽(Chapman To),何韵诗(Denise Ho)等香港艺人支持占中,并要求网民投票。不过,在给出的四个选项中,网民只能选择要用哪种方式抵制这些中共口中的“无良艺人”。选项包括对他们在大陆禁演、禁播,取消对他们微博账号的关注等等。







日本音乐大师坂本龙一,在一个支持占中的脸书专页按赞,支持占中。法新社22号说,美国女演员米亚•法罗(Mia Farrow),和《星舰迷航记》影星乔治•武井(George Takei),也通过社交媒体,表示对占中运动的支持。



山东大学民主人士退休教授 孙文广:“这些事情再三的说明,中共当局垄断了媒体,控制了舆论,来封锁消息。不让大陆人民知道真实情况。另外动不动就抓人,剥夺人家的出境权。就说明他们心中有鬼,没有鬼为什么不让大陆人到香港去看看呢?”


采访/朱智善 编辑/尚燕 后制/钟元

The Unscrupulous Artist? Communists vs. Civilians

On its official Weibo page, Chinese Communist Youth League
(CYL) called for sanctions on Hong Kong artists who support
Occupy Central such as Anthony Wong, Chapman To,
Denise Ho and others.

The Communists label them “criminals" but many Chinese
netizens honor them as “conscientious artists."
Good or no good, what is the standard?

The CYL Central Committee conducted an online poll
on Oct. 21 regarding Hong Kong pro-Occupy Central artists
such as Anthony Wong, Chapman To and Denise Ho.

The poll was called, “Which way would you choose
to resist these unscrupulous artists?”

Possible sanction methods are banning of ‘Occupy
Central’ artists from performing or broadcasting
in mainland China, deleting ‘Occupy Central’ artists’
microblog accounts, and more.

According to an RFI report, AFP indicated CYL is tasked with
indoctrinating the youths in China with Communist ideology.

Former Hebei People’s Radio Editor Zhu Xinxin:
“The CCP stigmatize these Occupy Central artists
through this labeling activity.

The regime is playing deceiving people into thinking
that the CCP represents the authority in truth.

In fact, to those who have independent ideals,
the CCP does not represent the authority."

On Chinese Twitter, netizens call these artists
“the conscience of the artists."

Netizen “Eight Horses" wrote, “The CYL proposed sanction
on Tencent microblog against Hong Kong artists
Anthony Wong, Chapman To, Denise Ho and many others.
But, the netizens fully support these artists of conscience."

Similar situations have occurred in the 1989 Tiananmen
student movement.

Famous Taiwanese singer Teresa Teng supported
the pro-democracy movement by joining the protest
in Happy Valley, Hong Kong, and performed the song
“My Home on the Other Side of the Mountain"
to the 300,000 participants.

She has never set foot in the mainland in her lifetime
because of this act.

In a 2009 online poll, “the most influential cultural figures"
by the Communist State Council Information Office,
she topped the list.

In this Hong Kong pro-democracy movement, the contrasting
difference between the regime and the people once again
showed in the standard of conscience.
What is the generally recognized conscience in China?

Zhu Xinxin: “If a person is not even qualified as a human,
how can this person engage in art?
Artists earn their reputation not just by their work,
but most importantly their stand on worldly matters.
The value is the conscience which cannot be violated
by the authority or commercial interest."

Famous Japanese musician Ryuichi Sakamoto showed his
support to Occupy Central by clicking Like on Facebook.

“Western celebrities including long-time activist Mia Farrow
and former ‘Star Trek’ star George Takei have also taken
to social media to express support for the pro-democracy
movement," reported AFP.

While Beijing labeled the artists as unscrupulous,
the Communist media were criticized as lacking basic
‘conscience’ in the report of the dialogue between
the Hong Kong government and the students.

In the Wednesday report, media including the Global Times
and the Beijing Times have all mentioned the HK
government’s requirements and statements,
but rarely the demands of the students.

Only the People’s Daily overseas press briefly mentioned
students demand to withdraw Beijing’s political reform
decision and the implementation of civil nomination
in the dialogue, but emphasized these demands as “illegal."

Sun Wenguang, former Shandong University Professor:
“These things have repeatedly showed that the Communist
authorities block true information by monopolizing
and controlling the media.

They also detain people and keep mainlanders from going
This shows the ulterior motives— forbidding people
from going to Hong Kong to find out the truth."

The live broadcast of the dialogue was not made viewable
to mainlanders.

The regime’s Global Times only continues to issue stern
warnings after the dialogue.

Then look at today’s activist events across the continent

Chemical Plant Leaks Poison
Victims’ Parents Seek Explanation

Thousands of parents gathered at the front door of Sichuan Jinsu
elementary school to protest at local government doing nothing
about a poison leak from the chemical plant close to the school.

Parents were suppressed by police, resulting in many beaten, a
dozen arrested.

It’s said the poison gas leak occurred in a chemical plant in
Jinsu County on Sept. 11th.

It has put more than 20 elementary school students in a coma
and one dead.

No Compensation For Many Years’ Land Expropriation
People Arrested Because of Appeal

The villagers in Baoying village of Jiangsu Province haven’t
obtained compensation for land expropriation for many years.

October 23, the villagers appealed at the expropriated land to
stop developers’ construction but were cracked-down on
by hundreds of police, and urban management, resulting in
several arrests.

Inner Mongolia Falun Gong Practitioners Face Illegal Trial

October 24, minghui website, headquartered in US, reported
that Falun Gong practitioners Wang Ying and Tian Xin
from Tongliao City Inner Mongolia, will be illegally put on trial
on October 27.
It’s said that Wang Ying was kidnapped this July.

To resist the persecution, she has been on hunger strike for 80

Tianxin was kidnapped in August, leaving only a teenage son
at home.

Writer Tie Liu and Nanny Arrested

October 23, Mainland lawyer Liu Xiaoyuan posted on Weibo
that Tie Liu’s wife has received arrest notice for Tie Liu on a
charge of illegal business and trouble from the Beijing Public
Security Bureau.

Nanny was arrested at the same time on charge of illegal business.

September 14, 81 year old Tie Liu was taken away from home
by the police.

Liu Xiaoyuan said the so-called trouble is because of Tie Liu’s
article against the Politburo Standing Committee’s Liu Yunshan;
the so-called illegal business means that he published a
complimentary publication without making money.

Interview/Zhu Zhishan Edit/ShangYan Post-Production/ZhongYuan
