【禁闻】中国遇罕见高温 缘起三峡工程?

【新唐人2013年08月14日讯】丹麦赫尔辛格市议员亚朗(Fuat Yalan)最近脱口说出,“希望高温烧死中国人”,此举不但在丹麦引起轩然大波,也引发中国网民的挞伐,亚朗事后也提出道歉。目前,中国遭遇盛夏高温,至少超过40个城市,气温超过摄氏40度,老百姓叫苦连天。到底是什么原因导致了这次罕见的高温天气呢?有不少网民认为,创新的高温恐怕与“三峡”大坝拦水和南水北调有关。我们来看专家的分析。












采访/陈汉 编辑/黄亿美 后制/郭敬

Rare High Temperature in China Comes from Three Gorges Dam

Fuat Yalang, a Denmark city council member,
recently blurted out,
“I hope the Chinese people get burned to death
by the high temperature."
Yalang’s remark caused an uproar in both Denmark
and China, and he had to apologize afterwards.
Currently, China is experiencing a hot summer.

The temperature in more than 40 cities exceeded
104 degrees, causing people to suffer a great deal.
What caused such unusually hot weather?

Many netizens believe it has something to do with
the Three Gorges Dam. Let’s look at the experts’ analysis.

Since July, a heat wave in Southern China’s Shanghai,
Zhejiang, Hunan, Guizhou and other provinces was the strongest since 1951.
Meanwhile, the average annual rainfall was only half
of the same period of the year, the lowest since 1951.
Among them, Fenghua City in Zhejiang Province
reached 109 degrees, becoming “the hottest city in China" for an entire week.

Continuous high temperatures brought a large drought
to the middle-lower Yangtze River area, the well-known water and flood region.
Record high-temperatures have brought disastrous
effects to the public.
According to statistics, as of August 8, 46 million
people from various provinces were affected and the direct economic loss was 26.39 billion yuan.

Due to the high heat, Longjing tea trees in West Lake
were scorched and a large amount of dry vegetables appeared in Zhejiang.
1.6 million acres of crops were affected in Chongqing.

Some experts believe that China’s hot weather resulted
from the North Asia subtropical system hindering the formation of clouds.
However, they also pointed out that urbanization
and global warming were also factors.

Many netizens suggested that the real culprit
is probably the Three Gorges Dam.
Water expert Wang Weiluo: “According
to the Chongqing government’s environmental
assessment report at that time, Chongqing’s maximum
temperature should not exceed 100 degrees.
This year, Chongqing’s temperature has reached
107 degrees.
Thus, it has overthrown the government’s conclusion
that the Three Gorges Project has little effect on the climate."

In 2006, Wang Weiluo, water expert in Germany,
pointed out that
the first assessment of the Three Gorges Project
in 1986 did more harm than good.
However, the decision-making group was
dissatisfied with that conclusion.
In 1991, the State Council Three Gorges Project
Review Panel negated the report.
Fang Ziyun, former deputy director of ecology
and environment, was responsible for rewriting the assessment.
The final conclusion was that the positive
environmental impact of the Three Gorges Project outweighs the negative.

In 1992, Fang Ziyun published Ecology and Environment,
listing the environmental impact of the Three Gorges Dam.
He estimated that the maximum temperature could
be reduced by about 7 degrees, and the extreme minimum temperature could increase by 5 degrees.
At that time the Chinese authorities tried to hype up
his view, claiming that the Three Gorges Project is a natural coolant.

Water expert Wang Weiluo: “Since the project started,
Chongqing had record–breaking temperatures a few times.
The Three Gorges Dam did not play the role
of an air conditioner.
The maximum temperature did not drop
but increased instead."
It turns out that the dam has not kept Chongqing cool
in summer, but has turned Chongqing into a big oven.
The man-made dam became an artificial barrier,
preventing moisture from circulating smoothly around the Sichuan Basin, and causing heat to accumulate.

Chongqing has now become the representative
of extreme weather in China.
With its high temperature, no rain and drought
can last for two consecutive months, and 50 days of high heat over 104 degrees.
It can also have 12 inches of rain in two days,
and that is a quarter of the annual rainfall.
Wang Weiluo also pointed out that the experts
of the Three Gorges Dam, by proposing more good
than harm, are enjoying lifelong special allowances now,
assuming no responsibility for their wrong conclusions.
However, it is all the Chinese people who
have to pay for the cost of the dam.
