







大陆维权律师江天勇:“一个批准劳教的劳教管理委员会,它们应该就它们的批准行为,造成公民的权利受损害,比如剥夺公民的人身自由,它应当承担这种赔偿责任。在执行这个过程中,有些具体劳教人员他们因为殴打、虐待的行为,他们应当被追究责任。然后造成损害、经济损失、精神损害的,劳教所应该承担赔偿责任。 具体抓的人要承担这种责任。”





采访编辑/张天宇 后制/萧宇

Masanjia Labor Camp Victims’ Joint Letter
for Compensation and Investigation

After the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) formally declared
the abolition of the reeducation through labor system, some
detainees in the labor camps have been released.

However the physical and mental abuse they suffered in the
labor camps are wounds that will never heal.
Recently, Masanjia labor camp in Liaoning Province, also
called “hell on earth”, was asked to make compensation.
Several former detainees wrote a joint letter requesting
the CCP to investigate the illegal torture of inmates in
Masanjia labor camp, the criminal actions of relevant staff,
and to pay them state compensations.

Several rights activists once detained in Masanjia women’s
labor camp included Hao Wei, Zhu Xiaoming,Liu Yuling,
and Li Wenjuan etc.

They jointly posted online “Announcement of Compensation
Request from Victims of Masanjia Labor Camp.”
In the letter, they accuse many illegal phenomenon in
Masanjia labor camp, asking the CCP to redress their
cases and restore their reputation, and to compensate
for what they had physically and mentally lost.

Released detainee of Liaoning Masanjia women’s labor camp,
Hao Wei, “The main content of the announcement is revealing
that Masanjia violates the law of the nation.

The state regulates that detainees have 3 hours of study time
a day, but we didn’t have it. We worked overtime everyday.
The state regulates 6 hours of working a day,
but we all worked more than 9 hours a day.
Another thing is a lot of physical abuse there.

They beat us in the plant and the dorm.
Police beat us and staff also beat us.
All the methods they used were very horrible.”

Hao Wei said illegal detention was extremely common
in Masanjia women’s labor camp.
Many people didn’t even have basic detention procedures,
but the public security department just placed them there
for some random reason.

Hao Wei: “Many of us there didn’t go through any procedure.
We common people can be detained without procedure.
Also, some people who didn’t go in for detention
were detained to do labor work.
Some detainees were older than 60,and some
were handicapped.
Such kind of detention can be legal in China.
This is so horrible. They can arrest anyone they want.
They arrest us to use us for hard labor.”

The announcement also says Masanjia labor camp for years
didn’t give hot water, forcibly tested inmates’ blood, refused
to give them health exams, and forced sick people to work.

As a result many detainees suffered from infectious diseases,
severe illnesses, and even cancer.

The announcement says that the authority must pursue
the criminal responsibility of the officials and the public
security system, and meanwhile compensate the victims.

Some rights lawyers support such a suggestion.

Mainland Chinese rights lawyer, Jiang Tianyong: “Labor camp
Management Committee gave permission for labor camps.
They should subsequently be responsible for the loss of
peoples’ civil rights, such as citizens’ freedoms.
During the process of execution, some labor camp staff
beat and abused detainees. They should be responsible too.
The labor camps should be responsible for paying the
compensation of the detainees’ financial and mental losses.”

Hao Wei told NTD that the victims of Masanjia labor camp
went to all kind of departments appealing for the CCP to
investigate the case, and were rejected.

The CCP denied all the reported illegal actions in Masanjia
labor camp, although some were revealed by the media.

Hao Wei: “We originally planned to go to court instead of
petitioning, but the court didn’t place the case on file.
We went to several justice departments to petition,
but they directly told us that they don’t acknowledge
the media report about Masanjia earlier this year. They
said it was the Liaoning government’s responsibility.”

Jiang Tianyong said the justice departments were quibbling.

Masanjia labor camp belongs to Liaoning Province
Reeducation Through Labor Administration which
belongs to Liaoning Justice Department.

The CCP’s maintaining stability system has always been
consistent from top to the bottom levels.
Local departments always follow the orders of the Central
Political and Law Commission and public security heads.
How could they push all the responsibilities
to local government?
Jiang says from the CCP is the top authority over local
government, and are all responsible to the crimes of
Masanjia labor camp.

The victims of Masanjia labor camp appeal to the society:
“we just want justice and dignity, we just want equality before
the law,we want to prove history because no one can distort it.“
