【禁聞】難民世界居二 九成富豪子女擬出國









陳永苗:「 不單純是一個教育問題的,不是說在海外讀書是因為海外的教育好,不是的,不是的,他單是為了拿戶卡,227-247覺得國內不安全,這是一個因素;第二個因素他可能算是移民也是他轉移國內財產,非法財產的,不安全非法財產的一個途徑。」


採訪編輯/李韻 後製/周平

China: No. 2 Refugee Applicant Country

On 27th March, the latest UN refugee statistics show that
Afghanistan is the top country for refugee applications.
In 2nd place is mainland China.
The joint report released by Hurun Research Institute and
Industrial Bank show that over 90% of billionaires plan to
send their children abroad.
Analysts say that for those living under the authoritarian
ruling of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), every Chinese feel insecure.
Sending their child to study abroad now is a dream for
every Chinese family.
Meanwhile, it is an important way for those corrupt officials
and the rich to transfer their illegal domestic properties.

On 27th March, UN refugee agency’s latest annual statistics
show that the
number of refugees application filed in industrialized countries
surged by 20% in 2011. Afghanistan topped the ranking.
Most of the Afghan applicants were victims of the 10-year
civil war, who wanted to flee poverty and persecution.
China ranked 2nd on the list. In 2011 alone, the figure of
Chinese refugee applications exceeded 24,400.
Three-fifths of them were application for political asylum in the U.S.
The number increased by 13% over the previous years.

Beijing constitutional scholar Chen Yongmiao says
it indicates China’s political situation is harsh,
although it seems outwardly stable.
In fact, Chen calls it a war without gun smoke.

Chan Yongmiao: “Chinese refugees are mainly a product of
political oppression. This shows China’s political environment is rather poor.
It’s different from others, such as Afghan refugees, who
live in the aftermath of the war.
In China, political repression may be deemed as a potential
war waged on the people surviving under CCP rule."

On 27th March, the Chinese Luxury Consumer White Paper
2012 was released, jointly published by the Industrial Bank and Hurun Research Institute.
The paper was finished based on face-to-face visits that
were conducted from October 2011 until January 2012.
The survey shows that in mainland China, among
2.7million people with personal assets of over RMB 600 million,
85% have planned to send their children to study abroad;

among 63,500 people with personal assets above
RMB 100 million, 90% have the same ideas, and
66% of them considered sending their children abroad
at the stage of primary and secondary schools.

Tie Liu (Writer, China): “People are all willing to send their
children abroad as long as they can afford it.
Because China’s education system can’t foster talent.
There is a saying:
“Beijing is great, the most capable gather at Beijing University,
where also ruined their intelligence and capabilities.”
So China’s education is rather terrible.
I’ve also sent my children overseas, although I’m not rich.
The rich and the middle class are all willing to send their
children to study abroad."

China’s lawyer Li Tiantian has the same expression.
Sending children out to study abroad is also a dream for
every Chinese family, they just cannot afford it, says Li.
However these people, who cannot afford overseas
study for their children, support China’s GDP growth.
Their hard work and contribution raised those corrupt
officials with lavish spending but administrative inaction, according to Li.

Li Tiantian: “In China, the entire physical environment has
been polluted, it’s more terrible for the social surrounding.
If it’s affordable, everyone wants to send his child abroad.
Living there, their education and life will be more humane.
That is the dream for every family here in China, including
those corrupt officials.
All the people “pretending to be asleep"and
awake think so.
The CCP is just the emperor of the story
“The Emperor New Clothes".
They know everything about putting on airs and
fooling the public."

Chen Yongmiao says the fact reflects that under this
authoritarian system, the wealthy feel very disappointed with China’s future.
This includes security on China’s future economy,
finance and their children’s future, Chen analyzes.

Chen Yongmiao: “It’s not just a simple education issue.
Studying overseas is not due to good quality there. No, it isn’t.
Firstly, he wants gain permanent residency there,
for feeling insecure in China;
Secondly, as an immigrant, he can use this way
to transfer his domestic illegal property to overseas."

This February, Bank of China and Hurun Report jointly issued
“China Private Wealth Management White Paper 2011″.
The report showed that in the group of China’s luxury
consumers, 14% have emigrated overseas, another 46% are planning or in the process of emigrating.
That is, after these 46% have finished their emigration,
for every 3 out of 5 wealthy Chinese people, hold western countries passports or green cards.
