【禁聞】三漁船遭脅持 撕破中朝友誼神話









藍述:「 北韓心裡是非常清楚,它和北京之間就是互相利用的關係。北京在一些小的事情上會支持它一下,在大的事情上它一定不會犧牲自己的利益去成全北韓。北韓也當然不會犧牲自己的利益去成全北京。所以大家互相能利用就利用,利用不了呢就算了。」





採訪/朱智善 編輯/王子琦 後製/簫宇

Three Chinese Fishing Boats Held Hostage by North Korea

On May 8, three Chinese fishing boats were held hostage
by a North Korean gunboat.
This event drew lots of media attention
after it was exposed on May 16.
The North Korean regime held 29 Chinese fishermen hostage
and demanded a ransom of 900,000 yuan (USD ~142,000).
North Korea threatened to “finish off” the boats
and fishermen if the ransom is not paid.
This act destroys the myth that “Friendship between
China-North Korea” is “formed by blood.”
Commentators pointed out, the so called friendship
is only an interest exchange.

On May 8, over 30 fishing boats were fishing in the Yellow Sea,
around coordinates 123° 57′ East, 38° 05′ North.
Three fishing boats and 29 crew members were detained.

The Chinese regime expressed that the fishing areas used
are within Chinese territory.

On May 9, the owner of the kidnapped fishing boats
Zhang Dechang received a message from the captain
expressing that the boat was detained and taken to
North Korean waters.
The kidnappers asked for 400,000 yuan per ship as ransom,
a total of 1.2 million yuan.
On May 15, Zhang received a phone call which threatened to
“finish off” the crew and the boats if the ransom was not paid within two days.

The fishermen saw people speaking Chinese on the
North Korean gunboat and the ransom exchange was arranged in Dandong City, China.
Some have suggested that this might be illegal collusion
between Chinese gangs and the North Korean military.

The CCP Foreign Ministry replied on May 16 that
this was a “Fishing dispute” and will be resolved soon.
Then on May 17, the CCP Foreign Ministry no longer said
“Fishing dispute,”
but demanded that North Korea “ensure the safety and
legal rights of Chinese citizens.”
The North Korean Embassy in China posted on its website that
North Korea “does not know about the incident.”

In the past, fishing disputes with North Korea in the Yellow Sea
were usually resolved privately, the media was rarely involved.

Social Commentator Lan Shu, “This is very embarrassing,
because both sides don’t want to show conflicts in front of the international community.
If they discuss conditions, it’s always done behind closed doors.
However, they won’t talk about principles, only interests.

Beijing is using Pyongyang’s tough stance in the northeast.
To use it (North Korea) as a fighter, you must give it some incentive, when the incentive is not enough, it will try to act up.”

This incident has drawn heated discussion in mainland China,
some netizens criticized,
“(CCP) can send battleships to Gulf of Aden to protect ships,
but can’t guard fishing boats at its doorstep.”
Some other netizens expressed, “everything proves,
the Kim dynasty is without a doubt rogue and bandit, why treat a bandit as a friend?”

Lan Shu, “North Korea knows very clearly that it has
an interest exchange relationship with Beijing.
Beijing will support it on small issues,
but will not sacrifice itself to support North Korea.
Of Course North Korea also will not sacrifice itself to support
Beijing. Both sides are trying to take advantage of each other.”

On May 13, a Japan-China-Korea Trilateral Investment
Agreement was signed in Beijing.
Social Commentator Wu Fan believes,
this might be why North Korea is acting up.

Wu Fan, “(This) will definitely anger North Korea, because
North Korea was not even at the table, it can’t do business, and everyone refuses to work with it.
That’s why it’s very angry, and takes such action.
It’s at this moment that this happened.
Some foreign media reported that it’s the lower level
that did this, I don’t believe it.
Some lower level people kidnapped people and
asked for a ransom, how can the top level not know?
This is an excuse; the reality is that it is not happy with
the Chinese regime.”

A netizen wrote, “Didn’t we say China-North Korea friendship
is formed by blood? How did (we) become targets of extortion?”
Some comments also suggested that this might affect
the relationship between the two countries.

Lan Shu pointed out, China and North Korea are the only few
totalitarian Communist countries left.
Their relationship is always like this, argue for a while,
fight for a while, then get better again;
until the day the CCP collapses,
the relationship will stay like this.
