
【新唐人2013年07月20日訊】17號,國際貨幣基金組織(International Monetary Fund,簡稱IMF)表示,如果中國不能兌現經濟改革承諾,到2018年,中國經濟增長率可能下降到4%左右。此前IMF對中國今年的GDP評估,已由4月的8%降到7.75%。專家指出,因為在中共虛假數據維持下的「假繁榮」已經浮出水面,國際組織逐漸清醒了。


美國南卡羅萊納大學艾肯商學院教授謝田:「現在中國經濟衰退的趨勢讓國際社會 國際金融機構現在開始清醒了起來,不像原來那樣頭腦發熱,一廂情願的相信中共的欺騙宣傳,認為中國在改善,多少多少年要超過美國,但實際上,真正降到4%的話,在扣除中共官員浮誇造假的因素,中國經濟肯定處在負的衰退的區間之內。」


IMF 提出的建議包括:實施金融系統改革,讓市場力量而非行政力量發揮更大作用﹔讓國有企業上繳更多紅利﹔更多的通過累進所得稅而非社會保障繳費來提高財政收入等等。











採訪編輯/劉惠 後製/蕭宇

IMF: China’s Growth May Fall To 4% Without Reform

On July 17, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) warned
that if China doesn’t fulfill promises of economic reform,
their economic growth will likely fall to 4% in 2018.

The IMF’s latest assessment for China’s GDP growth
has dropped from 8% in April to the current 7.75%.
Experts say that now the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP)

fabricated data and it’s flourishing appearance have been seen
through, gradually allowing the IMF to see it clearly.

The IMF’s latest report warns CCP leaders that
“time is running out on the current model”.
To be successful, China must decisively accelerate economic
reforms, or else, its economic growth may drop to 4% in 2018.

Xie Tian, Professor at the School of Business, University
of South Carolina Aiken: “Now China’s economic recession
trends have made international financial institutions wake up.
They no longer believe, as they used to, the CCP’s propaganda
about how it’s improving or will exceed the US in a few years.
Actually, if the growth really drops to 4%,
apart from the data fabricated by corrupt officials,
China’s economic growth may fall into the negative range.”

Zhang Qingxi, professor in economics at National Taiwan
University: “I think China’s economic growth data is meaningless,
as we don’t know if it’s true or false.
They invest in property to build ghost cities, such useless things.
There’s also the issue of their exceeding production capacity.
As the CCP’s problems become more numerous and obvious,

with many now floating to the surface, many international
organizations and foreign companies are able to recognize them.”

IMF suggests that China revamp the financial system to give
a greater role to market forces rather than administrative orders;
increase dividends paid by state-owned enterprises;

and increase revenue via progressive income taxes,
rather than social security contributions; among other suggestions.

Mao Shoulong, research fellow at China Society of
Economic Reform: “In terms of it’s system,
if the CCP can provide more freedom for individuals,
relatively speaking, it will lead to a mature direction.”

Mao Shoulong told NTD that the CCP hasn’t yet found
a good solution.

Mao Shoulong: “Many people say that without political reform,
the economic reform will not be successful.
Other people say that without economic reform, the political
system will become like the situation in North Africa,
or a stage of political instability.
Whether there is a solution to avoid social unrest,
without affecting the economic development,
there is no mature solution yet.”

At present, investment, consumption and exports are all falling.

Many economists feel pessimistic regarding
China’s economic difficulties.

On July 15, Jing Ulrich, director and chairman of China
Equities and commodities at J.P. Morgan’s Chinese market
said at a press conference that China’s economic disputes
are piling up, and will stagnate.

Beijing authorities hope to avoid injecting funding and
pulling the economic growth.
The last 3 months’ official data shows that investment is
still a big factor driving the expansion China’s economy.
If local government and state-owned companies
stop investment in real estate and road construction,
China’s economic growth likely will stop instantly.

Hu Yifan, Chief Economist at Haitong Securities Co. says

that without a push from policies, not only is economic
recovery difficult, but it also will decline further.
The cost of economic reform will constantly increase.

Qu Hongbin, HSBC’s Chief Economist for China says that
Beijing won’t tolerate the economic slowdown immediately,
Premier Li Keqiang will increase expenses
on state-owned housing.

Xie Tian: “I doubt whether it can be done or not.

In the past, they built some affordable houses, but
they were later seized by corrupt officials.
After state-owned houses are built up,
will they again be occupied by corrupt officials?
The CCP doesn’t have a power restriction system,
no one can promise officials won’t get rich from it.
Although the CCP intends to invest on affordable houses,
where will the money come from?
Banks all over China are short of money.”

Zhang Qingxi says China’s economy has run into a dead end.

As the CCP relies on the control of economy
to maintain its power.
Even covering up the corruption of it’s local governments
to obtain its “stability”.
Implementing economic reform is the CCP’s collapse,
and without carrying out economic reform,
the entire nation of China will collapse.
