【禁聞】百度解禁「活摘」 當權者如何抉擇

【新唐人2013年08月23日訊】8月22號,就在中共前重慶市委書記薄熙來受審的前幾個小時,大陸最大搜索引擎百度突然解禁「薄熙來 活摘」和「薄熙來 器官摘取」。有分析指出,被中共隱瞞的迫害法輪功學員的罪行已經被大量曝光,薄熙來可能被當作中共的替罪羊。在這個歷史關鍵時刻,是應該公布真相還是繼續隱瞞,中共現任當權者應該如何選擇呢?請看報導。

薄熙來被審前,《大紀元時報》記者發現,在搜索「薄熙來 器官摘取」時,百度返回的第一條,是海外著名中文電視評論節目製作人石濤的一集節目——《血腥的器官摘取 作者獲諾貝爾和平獎提名》。

輸入「薄熙來 活摘」,出現標題「薄熙來上臺 殺50萬資本家」,而下面的小字說明是:……消息人士透露,法輪功所揭發的活摘器官「一定程度上」是真的,但鮮為人知的是竟有薄熙來妻子谷開來直接捲入、運作……



加拿大人權律師大衛.麥塔斯(David Matas)和美國作家伊森.古特曼(Ethan Gutmann)運用大量調查資料和事實資料得出結論,2000年至2005年間,至少有6萬5千多名法輪功學員被中共活摘器官。而實際上被虐殺的法輪功學員可能超過上百萬。

今年6月,美國國會眾議院外交委員會前主席、共和黨議員羅斯雷婷恩(Ileana Ros-Lehtinen)和民主黨議員、軍事委員會資深議員安德魯斯(Robert Andrews)共同提出281號決議案。議案要求中共立即終止針對法輪功學員、其他良心犯的強摘器官行為,並要求立即結束持續14年的對法輪功的迫害﹔議案同時要求美國政府對中國器官移植情況進行調查,禁止那些參與非法摘取人體器官者入境美國,已在境內的要加以起訴。











採訪編輯/常春 後製/君卓

Chinese Regime Faces a Truth Telling Dilemma

On August 22, a few hours before the trial of Bo Xilai,
former Communist Party Secretary of Chongqing,
Mainland China’s search engine Baidu suddenly lifted the ban
of “Bo Xilai live harvesting" and “Bo Xilai organ harvesting."
Some analysts pointed out that since the persecution
of Falun Gong practitioners by the Chinese Communist Party
(CCP) was exposed, Bo Xilai may become
the CCP’s scapegoat.
In this historical moment, should the CCP publish the truth
or continue to hide it?

Prior to Bo’s trial, an Epoch Times reporter used the Baidu
search engine and found a Shi Tao (a well-known Chinese
television) episode about David Matas, author who exposed
organ harvesting, having been nominated for a Nobel Prize.
After entering “Bo live organ harvesting," an article entitled,
“Bo killed 500,000 capitalists" appeared, with the following
description: “According to sources, live organ harvesting
from Falun Gong practitioners is true to some degree.
However, a big surprise is that Bo’s wife was directly
involved in the operation…."

Shi Da, political commentator: “Live organ harvesting began
with Jiang Zemin, Zhou Yongkang, and Bo Xilai together.
It is such a bad deed that the CCP has probably made
Bo a scapegoat and completely abandoned him."
Currently, the international community has condemned
the CCP for live organ harvesting.
Canadian human rights lawyer David Matas and American
writer Ethan Gutmann have made a conclusion based on
a large number of survey data and factual information,
that between 2000-2005, at least 65,000 Falun Gong
practitioners were victims of organ harvesting, but in reality,
probably over a million were killed because of that.

In June 2013, Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen
and Robert Andrews, House Representative and senior
member of the military committee, jointly proposed
resolution 281, which calls for the CCP to immediately stop
organ harvesting from prisoners of conscience
and the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners.
Resolution 281 also calls for an investigation of China’s
organ transplant system and prosecution of officials
who have illegally entered the United States.

Since the US has evidence, the CCP has to do something.

“The CCP will not admit its crimes, but it used Baidu
to silently admit the crimes they committed," said Shih Da.

On August 19, someone proclaiming to be a
family member of Bo wrote on his blog,
“Organ harvesting of a certain group and processing of human
bodies are procedures corresponding to high level policies.
Bo and his wife should not shoulder
these responsibilities alone.
Many people in Mainland were doing it,
but they were the front runners."
At the same time, Zhou Yongkang, one of Bo’s supporters
and former secretary of the Politics and Law committee,
is also the center of attention.

Xia Xiaoqiang, political commentator: “The CCP’s judgment
of Bo is not the real upholding of justice.
After Bo’s trial, the CCP may begin its work
on Zhou Yongkang.
After the Beidaihe meetings, overseas media continued
to spread news of Zhou’s unfavorable situation.
Reliable sources from Beijing said that Xi Jinping
has ordered an internal investigation into Zhou Yongkang.

When Zhou Yongkang reigned, he made the politics
and law stability maintenance system a second power center.
Zhou Yongkang’s bloody maintenance created
enormous resentment.
Failing to resolve this, it will be hard for
Xi Jinping’s ruling to continue.
Xia Xiaoqiang believes that throwing out Zhou Yongkang
to pay for the CCP’s evil deeds is likely to become a reality.

In 1999, Jiang Zemin, former Communist Party Secretary,
launched the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners.
In the past few years, the torture of and organ harvesting
from Falun Gong practitioners was exposed.
Bo Xilai and Zhou Yongkang were the active followers
of Jiang Zemin’s persecution of Falun Gong.
In order to maintain its dictatorship, the CCP tried to
conceal the truth of organ harvesting.
Xia Xiaoqiang points out that God gives limited
opportunities and times for those in power.
If they continue to conceal the truth, they are committing
a crime against Chinese people and the future of China.
Xia Xiaoqiang also advises those in power to use the power
in their hands wisely, let the truth be known,
and choose a bright future for themselves
at this historical moment.
Otherwise, they will become a sinner in the history
and leave much to regret.
