【禁聞】馬三家勞教所面臨解散 罪惡依舊



美國《南加州大學》公共政策博士葉科:「勞教所現在被廢除,還是勞教制度被廢除,法輪功學員被釋放,這可以說是大勢所趨,這場迫害無以為繼, 對法輪功的迫害,中共和江澤民相互利用,完全建立在謊言和暴力的基礎上。」











採訪/常春 編輯/李韻 後製/李勇

Masanjia Forced Labor Camp Faces Closure; Crimes Remain

Overseas Minghui website reported that the notorious
Masanjia Forced Labor Camp in China,
which was used by the Jiang Zemin faction to persecute
Falun Gong practitioners, is now facing closure.
Four female Falun Gong practitioners
were released since August.
However, Masanjia told them that if they still practice Falun
Gong at home, they will be sentenced directly to Dabei Jail.

Minghui reported that from October 2012, Masanjia
hasn’t accepted new inmates, but is instead releasing them.
In July, all the beds were removed from the second
and third floors.
All male inmates have been released.

However, eight female Falun Gong practitioners
were still held inside.
Sources said that all inmates would be released
before the end of August.

Dr. Ye Ke at the University of Southern California:
“Removing the labor camp system,
or releasing Falun Gong practitioners, this is the trend.
The persecution cannot be carried on anymore.
The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and Jiang Zemin
have used each other to persecute Falun Gong.
The persecution is entirely base on lies and violence.”

In April, China’s media exposed that
Masanjia used brutal torture on inmates.
The international community has condemned
China’s labor camp system and cruel persecution.
In January, under pressure, the CCP proposed
reform of the labor camp system.
In June, many labor camps were transformed
into drug addiction treatment centers.
Many inmates were released.

Du Bin, independent Chinese photographer, believes that

the authorities thought that changing the
labor camps’ name would wipe away their crimes.

Du Bin: “Even if they demolish Masanjia to nothing,

making it disappear, or move it up to the moon,
their crimes still exist, and the victims are still alive.
My documentary film is being edited, we will look for
a suitable opportunity to release the full version.”

In May, Du Bin released the documentary film,
“Women Above Ghosts’ Heads,” online.
12 female inmates tell their horrifying stories of
being brutally tortured inside Masanjia.
The tortures includes electric shocks to breasts and genitals,
confinement to a small cell, hanging, tiger bench, death bed,
and toothbrush inserted into vagina.

Minghui also exposed that Masanjia didn’t provide
information regarding who would be released beforehand.
The released inmates were checked very carefully,

and disciplinary officials asked Falun Gong practitioners
if they had encountered unfair treatment or had been beaten.
If they answered with the truth, Masanjia halted their release.

Every released Falun Gong practitioner
will report to local police station.
Masanjia police told released Falun Gong practitioners,
“If you still practice Falun Gong at home, you will be sentenced directly to Dabei jail.”

Zhao Yuanming, Chinese legal expert, believes that
after Xi Jinping took office,
he demoted the Politics and Law Committee,
and announced reform of the labor camp system.
However, the Jiang faction has obstructed the issue.

Zhao Yuanming: “Jiang’s faction are suppressing
dissidents and people’s beliefs.
They also held petitioners in labor camps.
Many inmates still exist in China, it is a common issue.
Many brutal tortures are happening inside labor camps.

Many were tortured to death, or torture resulted
in disability or injury.”

Since 2000, Minghui has published 8,000 articles
that exposed 108 terrifying torture methods being used on Falun Gong practitioners.

Ye Ke: “The new CCP leadership doesn’t want to be blamed.

Although the labor camp system has likely been removed,
the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners is still happening.
Many Falun Gong practitioners are still illegally held.

Thus as long as the persecution exists and
the head of the evil hasn’t been punished,
no matter what the CCP has done,
the main problem hasn’t been touched.”

Zhang Erping, Falun Gong spokesman, points out that

although the CCP closed labor camps,
the inmates haven’t truly been freed.
The persecution of Falun Gong practitioners
wasn’t reduced, but worsened.
In the first six months this year, 43 Falun Gong
practitioners were tortured to death.
2,101 were illegally detained. Five Falun Gong
practitioners were sentenced to jail every other day.
