【禁聞】美恢復最佳投資地 中國失投機機會





美國南卡羅萊納大學艾肯商學院教授 謝田:「實際上中國成為所謂的最佳投資目地地,跟中共的政策有關,提出了很多優惠的政策,很多西方公司也確實利用了中國當年廉價的勞動力,在環保上不計成本,也不計人權這樣一些做法。」









採訪編輯/劉惠 後製/孫寧

China No Longer Best Place to Invest

President Obama, in his State of the Union
address, has stated that China is no longer
the world’s number one place for investment.

According to Obama, America is now number one.

Our expert analysis indicates that China has
never been the best investment destination.
This is despite high inflow of money in
recent years, from those seeking profits.
Complete environmental destruction, and loss of cheap
labor, have pushed capital return to the United States.

The 2013 A.T. Kearney Foreign Direct Investment
Confidence Index, based on a survey of more than
300 executives from 28 countries, examined where
global investment dollars are likely to be headed.
The United States takes the lead for the first time in 12 years,
replacing China as the world number one place to invest.

In his State of the Union address on January 28,
President Obama said that China is no longer the
world’s number one place to invest; America is.

Mr. Deng, Economist: “China is certainly not the
best place to invest. It was not, and still is not.
There are a lot of problems in China. These problems
are opportunities, and that’s what opportunism is about.
The opportunities in the Chinese market, such
as the currency and the Chinese economic
model, are opportunities for hot money.

Capital is a profit driven monster,
chasing after any opportunities.”

Professor Xie Tian, School of Business,
University of South Carolina Aiken: “In fact,
China has become the best investment place.

This is due to the Communist regime’s preferential policies.

Many Western companies have taken advantage
of these policies to access cheap labor.
This has been at the cost of the
environment and human rights.”

However, the United States has been the
largest foreign direct investment country.
It accounts for about 17% of the
world’s total foreign investment.

The Institute of Supply Management’s PMI Index,
which is an indicator of the economic health of the
manufacturing sector, hit 57% for December 2013.

A value higher than 50% generally
indicates an expansion of manufacturing.
The New Orders Index has reached its
highest reading at 64.2% from 63.6%.
This shows strong growth momentum
for the United States during 2014.
The Employment Index regis¬tered 56.9% is an
increase from November’s reading of 56.5%.
December’s employment reading
is the highest since June 2011.

Meanwhile, the United States has made strong progress
toward meeting the goals of its National Export Initiative.
In 2011, U.S. exports reached a record $2.1 trillion.

The White House is seeking to increase U.S.
exports to $3.1 trillion by end of this year.
This is to meet the goal of doubling U.S. exports by the end
of 2014, stated in Obama’s 2010 State of the Union address.

Professor Xie Tian: “China is experiencing a
deteriorating economy and chaotic political situation.
Many more foreign investments from Korea, Hong Kong and
the United States are starting to withdraw capital out of China.
The U.S. is becoming a new and attractive hot spot.

In fact, America has been a good destination
for investment, because of the market,the
workforce, the management and education.”

Last December, U.S. unemployment rates dropped
to 6.7%, and was the lowest since October 2008.
Last year, 2.19 million jobs were created in the U.S.

In addition, for the first time in 20 years, the U.S.
produced more crude oil than it imported last year.
The United States becoming the world’s
largest oil producer has a different implication
from conventional world oil producers.

The U.S. are thought to supply energy with innovative
technology, allowing manufacturers to use less
conventional energy sources, such as natural gas.

In his address, Obama called for US Congress to make 2014
a year of action; to “be a breakthrough year for America.”

Mr. Deng: “Capital sees no boundary.
Anywhere with profit, capital goes.
However, for investment, stability
and security are the priority.”

An anonymous Chinese netizen commented
on Obama’s State of the Union address.
The netizen suggests that the so-called
Beijing model has come to an end.
The elimination mechanism of an anti-principled,
excluding elite, and primal state of superficial
wit and momentum, has now been exhausted.

It is China’s dream to reform, to take the stage
and to catch up with the United States; dream on.

Interview & Edit/LiuHui Post-Production/SunNing
