【禁聞】王郁琦謁中山陵 籲正視現實

【新唐人2014年02月14日訊】目前在南京進行正式訪問的台灣「大陸委員會」主委王郁琦,12號上午,前往「中山陵」,向國父孫中山像獻上花圈和祭文。祭文有「民國肇建 青天出現」「正視現實 民生為念」等內容。當天下午,王郁琦到「南京大學」演講,以婉轉的方式闡釋民主政治理念。有分析指出,北京之所以和台灣官方進行正式會談,是為了達到「統一台灣」這個終極目標。

11號,台灣「陸委會」主委王郁琦飛抵南京,與中共「國臺辦」主任張志軍在南京進行歷史性的「王張會」。12號上午,王郁琦一行人抵達「中山陵」,10點10分,王等人步入祭堂,向孫中山坐像行三鞠躬禮、並獻上花圈和宣讀祭文。祭文落款使用民國紀年,祭文提到了「三民主義 五權憲法」等台灣當局的基本政治立場。












採訪/易如 編輯/陳潔 後製/孫寧

Wang Yu-chi Visits Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum, Calls For Facing Up To Reality

Wang Yu-chi, Chairman of the Taiwan Mainland Affairs
Council is currently on an official visit to Nanjing.
On the morning of February 12, Wang Yu-chi placed a wreath
and read a funeral oration at Sun Yat-sen’s Mausoleum.
The elegiac address said that, “the Republic
of China (ROC) is established; the sky appears",
“facing reality; with people’s well-being in mind."

In the afternoon, Wang Yu-chi made a speech at Nanjing
University, tactfully explaining the concept of democracy.
Some analysts suggest that the purpose of this official
meeting between Beijing and Taiwan is ultimately
to achieve the goal of “reunification with Taiwan".

On February 11, Wang Yu-chi, the Chairman of the
Taiwan Mainland Affairs Council arrived in Nanjing.
He is conducting the historical “Wang-Zhang meeting"
with CCP Taiwan Affairs office Minister Zhang Zhijun.
On the morning of February 12, Wang Yu-chi
arrived for a visit at Sun Yat-sen’s Mausoleum.
At 10:10am, they entered the Festival Hall, bowed
three times at Sun Yat-sen statue, and laid a wreath.
Wang then read the funeral oration, which mentioned
the Taiwanese authorities’ basic political stance.
This included the “Three Principles, Five Powers Constitution."

It is said that Wang Yu-chi deliberately chose
10:10 for the wreath laying ceremony.
This was to signify ‘Double Ten’, the name for
the National Day of the Republic of China.

Later, Wang Yu-chi stressed his salute to the Founding
father in his speech at Bo Ai Square at Sun’s Mausoleum.
Wang Yu-chi said the “Three People’s Principles"
and “Five Powers Constitution" created by
Sun Yat-sen have been in practice in Taiwan.

He suggested the two governments should face
realities and solve problems pragmatically.

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Taiwan Affairs office
officials deliberately avoided Wang Yu-chi’s lecture.
According to reports, when Wang Yu-chi mentioned,
“it has been 103 years since Sun Yat-sen founded
the ROC, the first democracy in Asia", there was
a mainland tourist who shouted “Good".
The tourist was immediately taken away by security.

Wu Fan, Chief Editor, US-based China Affairs magazine:
“Although the current ROC has only small power, its greatest
advantage is that it is a free and democratic republic.
This illuminates China like a lighthouse.
Each year, millions of mainland people visit Taiwan,
and bring back a lot of ideas and information.
The CCP is afraid of this influence to
the mainland and is anxious to dispel it."

Mainland media only mention that
“people on both sides belong to China".
When reporting on Wang Yu-chi’s activities,
it described how the 1992 consensus may have
sought common ground and to reserve differences.

State-controlled CCTV news broadcasted Wang’s
appeal of facing the reality between the two sides.
This report was omitted in lunchtimes news rebroadcasts.

Dong Liwen, Associate Professor, Taiwan Police
University Public Safety Department: “In fact,
the CCP is very strict with Wang Yu-chi’s visit.
This is because they deleted Wang’s “facing reality” speech.
So, it is not a good time for both parties to enter negotiation,
because mutual trust between the two parties is very fragile.
The Beijing authorities is not ready to accept the Republic
of China; instead it seeks to unify it through eradication."

Wu Fan: “To unify Taiwan and achieve long-term goals,
the CCP regime must enter political negotiation with Taiwan.
The CCP doesn’t recognise the Republic of China (ROC).
This is because the ROC recognized Mao Zedong
as a Maoist bandit, and as a rebel group.
Mao Zedong stole the ROC’s national title and drove
Chiang Kai-shek into Taiwan but did not destroy him.
The Taiwanese people are much better
off now, so the CCP is very hesitant."

In the afternoon, Wang Yu-chi made a speech at Nanjing
University, to more than 200 students and teachers.
He spoke about Taiwan’s current democratic
political system, and joked that it is very hard
to be a government official in Taiwan.
“It is quite hard to be a government official in
Taiwan, with high levels of freedom of speech.
There are reporters everywhere, and
everything is reported by the media.
In addition, lawmakers supervise Congress."

Wang Yu-chi stressed that this is a core value of democracy.

Professor Dong Liwen: “It’s much worse and
regressive to compare Wang Yu-chi’s visit with
the Koo Chen-fu and Wang Daohan meetings.
In that year, Koo Chen-fu talked with the top
leader face to face about the issue of democracy
and freedom, and about Republic of China.
On this occasion, Wang can only mildly talk
about the Republic of China, democracy and
freedom in front of the Sun’s Mausoleum."

In November 2014, Beijing will hold the Asia-Pacific
Economic Cooperation (APEC) Economic Leaders Meeting.
It has caused concern whether Ma and Xi will meet together.
Professor Dong Liwen believes it’s not possible for the
meeting of Ma and Xi to follow from the Wang-Zhang meeting.
On one hand, the CCP wants
to unify Taiwan by eliminating ROC.
On the other hand, the Beijing authorities do not
want to form two China’s, or “one China, one Taiwan".

Interview/YiRu Edit/ChenJie Post-Production/SunNing
