【禁聞】馬航失蹤 中美實力差距大暴露




第二天,《華爾街日報》再報驚人消息。報導說,美國調查員發現,在馬航MH370失聯之後,自動傳輸系統嚐試跟Inmarsat PLC公司運營的衛星連接了好幾次,報導並暗示,飛機失聯後還飛行五個小時﹔而英國《路透社》不甘落後,也爆料說,軍用雷達跟蹤的證據顯示,馬航失聯客機被人為操縱飛過馬來半島,飛向安達曼群島。













採訪編輯/秦雪 後製/舒燦

The Missing Aircraft Exposes The Weakness of CCP Regime

After many days missing, the U.S. media made a breakthrough report on Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370. According to analysis of the satellite signals, the plane was likely flying towards the Indian Ocean. In contrast, the CCP regime has restricted the media from analysis, comment and interview of the passengers ‘ relatives. The satellite images of the wreckage released by the CCP official
had the international search and rescue teams work in vain. The weakness of the CCP in both soft power and hard power is clearly shown to the world.

Since the aircraft MH370 disappeared on March 8, five days of search and rescue effort in the South China Sea, participated in by many countries, have found nothing.

The CCP mobilized nearly 10 satellites too and declared three suspect floating objects photographed on March 12. Both Malaysia and Vietnam sent search aircraft over the South China Sea, but found nothing. After that, the Chinese Embassy admitted that the release of those images was a mistake.

On March 13, the Wall Street Journal reported that the satellite-communication system on the plane had the U.S. investigators believe the MH370 had continued to fly for another four hours after it disappeared from radar.

The next day, WSJ reported that after vanishing, “the jet’s satellite communications system continued to ping orbiting satellites for at least five hours."

Reuters also reported that Malaysia military radar showed the aircraft was deliberately diverted to fly over Malay Peninsula and head towards Andaman Islands.

At this point, two Western media reports have brought a new phase to the missing aircraft and the search has extended to a completely new area.

Professor of Academy of Public Policy, Renmin University of China, Mao Shoulong, indicates that the Malaysia Airlines incident has demonstrated the big gap between China and the United States in both hard power and soft power.

Mao Shoulong, Professor of Renmin University of China: “Major Western media and reporters have their capacity and experience in investigation.

I have told our reporters before, that the New York Times reporters are just excellent. They know where to find the sources, how to analyze the
information and what experts to find. These are what our media need to learn."

In terms of hard power, the satellite technology and analytical capabilities in Western countries also have an outstanding performance during the Malaysia Airlines incident.

Mao Shoulong: “From the perspective of satellite technology and information analysis, such as the cooperation between military and airlines, and the wartime mobilization and collaboration capabilities, I believe the Western developed
countries are leading in the experience and the technology."

Mao Shoulong also appreciates the people-oriented moral realm demonstrated in the search and rescue effort of Malaysia, Vietnam and the big Western companies.

Mao Shoulong: “Take Vietnam as an example. They open their airspace and their territorial waters for search and rescue. In some sense, it is equivalent to revealing its secrets and military information. As for Malaysia, sharing the military data is also exposing the military satellites, including its radar detection capabilities."

However, Malaysia, Vietnam and the aircraft manufacturer, Rolls-Royce, have all set aside their military and trade secrets, and engaged in finding the missing aircraft.

It is thus highly doubtful if the Communist military would be so frank.

On March 8, Japan’s NHK reporter “hiyamamoku" exposed on Twitter the ban on media coverage of the missing aircraft by the CCP Central Propaganda Department: Regarding the missing Malaysian aircraft, no media analysis, comment, or interview of the passengers ‘ relatives, and do not provoke any discontent.

Hangzhou Normal University law professor Fan Zhongxin believes it concerns the regime ‘s so-called dual stability maintenance.

Fan Zhongxin, law professor of Hangzhou Normal University: “More than 100 people are unknown of life or death at this point and their families are also involved. The reports might affect CCP ‘s diplomacy and domestic emotions. It is a stability issue for both international relations and domestic."

Hong Kong Apple Daily commented that comprehensive state
power does not rely on military strength only, but also on an open
society, civilization and true people values.

Interview & Edit/Qinxue Post-Production/Sucan
