









中國《六四天網》負責人黃琦:「這一個月裡面,全國各地抓捕刑事拘留的訪民應當是不低於500人, 官方的打壓重中之重是這些敢於前仆後繼,不懼怕官方威脅的、前往北京的訪民。」








採訪編輯/李韻 後製/孫寧

Massive Arrests Prior to June 4

Arrests are widespread in China due to the upcoming 25th
anniversary of the June Fourth Massacre.
Data shows that about 70 famous journalists, dissidents
and rights defenders have been arrested in one month.
The suppression has escalated to exceed what’s been seen
for the past 20 years.
It is commented that this massive arrest and suppression
will only lead to a larger rally.

Chinese Human Rights Defenders reported on June 1
that since journalist Gao Yu went missing at the end of April,
the regime has arrested more than 70 people as of May 31.

Included are lawyers, journalists, dissidents
and human rights defenders.

Beijing activist Hu Jia, who has been under house arrest
for more than three months, was also recently threatened
with imprisonment for proposing ‘Back to Taianamen Square’
on June 4.

Hu Jia, Beijing activist: “Since the evening of May 30,
they have been controlling my parents and would not allow
my parents to come see me.
This evening (June 2) it will be 72 hours.
They have warned my parents that they’ll reinforce
the regulation. But they have not had any move."

Hu Jia has said that he will visit Tiananmen Square
wearing black on June 4 to mourn the incident.
He indicated that Beijing arresting him on June 4
would ‘complete’ his wish.

Twenty five years ago, on the morning of June 4th,
Communist army tanks went onto Tiananmen Square.
The open fire killed massive protesting students
in Tiananmen and caused outrage around the world.
For 25 years, memorial activities around June 4
have been conducted both in China and around the world.

Chinese Democratic Party Chairman Wang Juntao indicated
that the arrest and suppression of voices will only anger
the public; people will not forget the bloody crackdown
of the June 4 protest by the CCP.

Wang Juntao, Chinese Democratic Party Chairman:
“The high-handed measures to stop the commemoration
have been escalating for the past 25 years.
The political persecution has gone beyond the limits
of age and profession.
Even household activities are now subject to persecution.
You can see how frightened they are."

64tianwang.com organizer Huang Qi believes Beijing
has arrested far more than the 70 known activists
surrounding the June 4 Massacre commemoration events.

Huang Qi, webmaster of 64skynet: “More than 500 people
should have been arrested in the past one month.
The petitioners who went to Beijing despite the threat
from the officials are the hardest hit."

Huang Qi indicates that the recent data ignores
Falun Gong practitioners and religious people,
who constitute a huge number.

Hu Jia analyzes that the authorities’ intention is to build
an extremely tense terror.
After June 4, some of them will be released.

Hu Jia: “There is no ‘inciting subversion of state power’
or ‘provocation.’ What people have done are simply plain civil activities.
Even a Buddhist’s preaching is accused
of ‘inciting subversion of state power.’
It only shows how ugly, arrogant and absurd
the Communist judiciary really is."

A monk known as Sheng Guan from Huacheng Temple
of Yichun City, Jiangxi Province, was arrested on charges
of suspicion of inciting subversion of state power
on May 18 when he was preaching the Dharma.
Participants such as Xie Li, Huang Jinyi,
and others were also arrested.

Huang Qi indicates the arrests are conducted not just
for the approaching June 4, but also for the series
of domestic violence in the name of anti-terrorism.

He believes the arrests will only continue.

Huang Qi: “People always believe spring is coming.
In fact, we will never see spring.
The arrest of opponents and activists will continue
with all sorts of excuses."

How will Beijing handle those who were arrested
after June 4?
Huang Qi believes those who publicly express remorse or who
were detained for insignificant reasons could be released.

Interview & Edit/Li Yun Post-Production/Sun Ning
