

廣東百餘工人維權 遭200警鎮壓

11月3號,廣東番禺市新生鞋廠的100多名工人維權 ,遭到約200名警察鎮壓,14名工人被當場抓捕,7人被以「干擾企業生產經營罪」刑拘。全體工人到東環派出所高喊「馬上放人」、「緊急救人」 。


雲南法院非法開庭 律師遭刁難




湖南省懷化市巴厘右岸的數百名業主 ,11月3號,到市政府和國家電網懷電公司維權,遭大批警察攔截抓捕。據了解,由懷化恆光電力集團五溪房地產公司開發的「巴厘右岸」小區,因資金鏈斷裂已經爛尾1年,期間業主曾數次維權,均無結果。

湖北代課教師市府靜坐 遭警毆打


Nov.4 People Power – Rights Defending Update

Let’s take a look at the latest rights defending incidents
in mainland China.

Over 100 Shoe Factory Workers Suppressed by Police in Guangdong

On Nov.3, over 100 workers of a shoe factory in Panyu City,
Guangdong Province were suppressed by police
when they protested.

Fourteen were arrested and another 7 were placed
under criminal detention for “interfering with business
operations and manufacturing".

Following that, all other workers went to the local public
security bureau, demanding immediate release of
the arrested and shouting “Need immediate help!!!".

Sources said, the shoe factory “Xinsheng" refused to
compensate workers upon relocation, and even forced
workers to resign by themselves by cutting wages.

Since Sept.16, more than 100 workers had been striking
against the factory.
The municipal labor administrative team had promised
to respond to workers on Nov.3.
However, workers awaited only to see violent suppression
by police on that day.

A Court in Yunnan Spited Lawyers of Falun Gong Practitioners

Minghui (minghui.org) reported on Nov.3 an illegal trial
held at 9 A.M. on Oct.29, in a criminal court of Chuxiong
Prefecture, Yunnan Province.

The trial was against Falun Gong practitioners
Zhu Zhongfu, He Gaoqiong and Liu Yijun.

At 8:40 A.M., the defending lawyer arrived and was
ordered by the court to receive an unlawful inspection.
As a result, the lawyer boycotted the trial.

Despite that, judges from Dayao County still proceeded with
the Trial in an unlawful manner for over 3 hours without
the Defence lawyer and under strong objections from the Defendants.

Hundreds of House Owner Petitioners Suppressed by Police in Hunan

On Nov.3, hundreds of house owners in Huaihua City,
Hunan Province petitioned to the municipal government
and the local branch of State Grid Corporation of China.

Petitioners were blocked and massively detained by police.

Sources said, the petitioners are house owners of a residenial
community developed by Huaihua Hengguang
Electrical Power Group.

Construction of the community was unfinished due to
capital chain problems.
House purchasers had petitioned several times
but received no response.

Hubei Substitute Teachers Violently Treated by Local Police
in Petition

On Nov.3, hundreds of substitute teachers from Tongshan
County, Xianning City of Hubei Province petitioned to the
municipal government, demanding equal pay for equal work.

A large group of police suppressed the teachers violently.

Several teachers, including a pregnant one, were injured.
Witnesses said police had pushed the pregnant woman
and even kicked her belly.
