【禁闻】动车案赔款朝令夕改 涨价如挤牙膏

【新唐人2011年8月2日讯】 “温州动车事故”至今已经过去10天了,铁道部一直备受各方质疑。在舆论压力下,尽管铁道部赔偿数额从最开始的17万到50万,再到现在的91万,但大部分遇难者家属仍然拒绝签署同意。而这种朝令夕改,随意涨价的事故赔偿金额,被网友戏称为“挤牙膏”。














Tran Crash Compensation Torment

Wenzhou high-speed train accident took place 10 days ago.

Since then, The Ministry of Railways has always been
questioned by all parties.
Under the pressure of public opinion, the Ministry raised
the compensation per person from RMB 170,000
to RMB 500,000, then to RMB 910,000.

However, most of the victims’ families still refuse
to sign the compensation agreement.
This arbitrary changing of compensation amounts is dubbed
“squeezing toothpaste" by netizens.

Wenzhou high-speed train crash compensation
has recently become a public focus.
On August 1, the Chinese authorities claimed that
the aftermath of the accident was dealt well.
As of July 31, compensation agreements were signed with
19 victims’ families.
As the number of announced deaths is 40,
there are only 21 families that have not yet signed agreements.

There have been online rumors that the Ministry of Railways
issued an ultimatum to the victims’ families that
if they don’t sign the agreements before July 30,
negotiations with them will stop.
However, the Ministry of Railways denied this rumor.

Hong Kong’s Oriental Daily disclosed the story of Ms. Zhang,
who lost a family member in the crash.
At 1:00 a.m. on July 31, the Ministry of Railways personnel
went to her hotel, to discuss compensation.
However, their attitude was aggressive,
and they constantly coerced her.

Ms. Zhang: “If you did not sign,
they would withdraw all their staff."

Sun Xiaoxing, wife of deceased passenger Hu Weipeng, said
that she was subjected to usually frequent visits
by the Ministry of Railways staff,
in order to make her tired of the issue.
However, as her attitude remained unchanged,
the Ministry has not yet forced her to sign the agreement.

The compensation amount was increased from RMB 170,000
to RMB 500,000, and later to over RMB 910,000.
Every time a change too place,
the Ministry claimed it to be in accordance with the law.

An anonymous netizen posted a message on
“Chinese Entrepreneurs Network",
“I would like to ask the Ministry of Railways,
according to what law, the compensation amount was raised?
The increased amount benefits the victims’ families.
However, from another point of view,
the law doesn’t have the final say,
but the Ministry of Railways does!

Wife of victim Hao Naigang:
When the authorities talked to us for the first time,
the compensation was RMB 170,000.
We want their lives back, but not the money.
Then yesterday the authorities talked to us
about raising the compensation to RMB 500,000.
This is not a negotiation to buy cabbage.
What are they doing? I don’t think I am irrational."

A netizen said, the compensation was raised
like “squeezing toothpaste”.
The greater the public pressure,
the more compensation the Ministry gives.

The Ministry of Railways has been severely criticized by
mainland Southern Metropolitan Daily.

Southern Metropolitan Daily published on July 31
a commentary “Fabricated Miracle."
It wrote, “To stimulate the public once is not difficult.

It is difficult to use one single event
to shock the public repeatedly.
How numb, shameless and backward-thinking
do they have to be, to create such a series of miracles?

Although this article was immediately removed from
Southern Metropolitan Daily’s official website,
it was frantically forwarded and copied by netizens,
who praise the paper for its audacity.

NTD reporters Li Jing and Li Yue。
