【看新闻学英语】中国政权的“通缉” 逃亡犯在北京被捕


Chinese Regime’s “Most Wanted” Fugitive Arrested in Beijing
中国政权的“通缉” 逃亡犯在北京被捕

By Shirley Shi, David Lee


1. fugitive [ˋfju:dʒitiv] n. 逃亡者
2. diplomatic [͵dipləˋmætik] a. 外交的
3. struggle [ˋstrʌgl] v. 努力
4. accuse [əˋkju:z] v. 指控
5. masterminding [ˋmɑ:stəmaind] n. 策划者、主谋
6. smuggling [ˋsmʌgliŋ] n. 走私
7. touched down 着陆
8. immediately [iˋmi:diətli] adv. 即刻
9. arrest [əˋrest] v. 逮捕
10. flee [fli:] v. 逃走
11. asylum [əˋsailəm] n. 避难
12. plea [pli:] n. 请求
13. reluctant [riˋlʌktənt] a. 不情愿的
14. penalty [ˋpenəlti] n. 处罚

After an 11-year diplomatic struggle, the Chinese regime’s most wanted man has been deported from Canada back to Beijing.

Lai Changxing is accused of masterminding a multi-billion dollar smuggling operation in China’s southern city of Xiamen during the 1990s. Lai touched down in Beijing on Saturday, July 23rd and was immediately arrested.
在20世纪 90年代,赖昌星被指控在中国南部城市厦门,策划数十亿美元的走私活动。7月23日上周六,赖昌星在北京落地,立即遭到逮捕。

Lai had fled to Canada with his family in 1999 and quickly launched an asylum plea. Although Canadian authorities did not approve Lai’s asylum case they were reluctant to send him back because of the risk he would face the death penalty in China.


15. assure [əˋʃuə] v. 确保
16. execute [ˋeksikjut] v. 将…处死
17. torture [ˋtɔtʃə] v. 酷刑
18. approve [əˋpruv] v. 批准
19. extradition [͵ekstrəˋdiʃən] n. 引渡
20. controversial [͵kɔntrəˋvə:ʃəl] a. 争议的
21. mysteriously [misˋtiəriəsli] ad. 神秘地
22. autopsy [ˋɔ:təpsi] n. 验尸
23. speculate [ˋspekjuleit] v. 猜测
24. stir up激起
25. allegedly [əˋledʒidli] ad. 据传说
26. taint [teint] v. 败坏
27. scandal [ˋskændl] n.丑闻
28. topple [ˋtɔpl] v. 推翻

On July 21st, after the Chinese regime assured that Lai would not be executed or tortured, Canada’s Federal Court approved his extradition. But the decision is controversial. Lai’s brother and accountant both mysteriously died in prison and the Canadian court has not seen their autopsy reports.

Lai’s lawyer, David Matas, told the judge: “You don’t need to speculate about why they died or how they died to have that concern…When you’re dealing with the Chinese prison system, everything that goes on in them is a state secret."
赖昌星的律师,大卫‧麦塔斯告诉法官:“你不必猜测为什么他们死或如何死…. 当你在对付中国监狱系统,里头的一切事情都是国家机密。“

Matas believes Lai could die in the same way.

Lai’s return could stir up divisions in the Chinese Communist Party before next year’s hand over of power. When Lai was allegedly conducting his operation in Xiamen, Fujian Province, the province’s top party boss was Jia Qinglin. Jia’s reputation was tainted in the scandal, but he was never toppled. Jia is now the Communist Party’s fourth most senior leader.


本专栏由前卫英语李德良老师主编 www.davidlee.url.tw


Where does it hurt?


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名家推荐─ 张锦华(台大新闻研究所教授)
