






据报导,“人民银行温州中心支行”去年底的一次民间借贷问卷调查显示,有89% 的家庭个人和59.67% 的企业参与了民间借贷。


《南方周末》评论员李铁,在博文:《中国高利贷的唯一受益者是谁? 》说,民间高利借贷,中小企业当然是受害者,消费者也在分摊着高昂的经济运行成本;而高风险所带来的不稳定性,也时刻威胁着借贷者的生存。 “当地政府部门、司法部门、银行的公职人员也涉及其中。这或许是金融垄断下的必然结果,在整个高利贷的链条中,这些金融权贵,或许是唯一真正得利的一环。”





China’s Dangerous Usury-Loan Bubble

Recently, mainland China media reported that four major
state-owned commercial banks had 420 billion Yuan
(US$650.7 million) less on deposit in its first two weeks of
September than they did at in the end of August.
Expert pointed out that the money might have gone into
the private lending market.
There are signs that suggest that these monies were headed
for the civilian usury lending market.
Meaning, these funds were lent out at exorbitant interest rates
and may become the next bubble to pop after the real estate bubble.
The consequences of such an event could be catastrophic.

On September 22, mainland media reported that China’s four
state-owned commercial banks, Industrial and Commercial
Bank of China Limited, Agricultural Bank of China, Bank of China,
and China Construction Bank, had 420 billion Yuan
(US$650.7 million) less on deposit in its first two weeks of
September than they did at in the end of August.
Some expert believed that this 420 billion Yuan
(US$650.7 million) figure is only about 1.5 percent of
the total Chinese savings of 33 trillion Yuan (US$5.16 trillion),
and thus a relatively insignificant number.

However, Carolina Aiken, assistant professor of marketing
at the University of South indicated that this 420 billion Yuan
(US$650.7 million) may have been poured into
the private lending market.
If state-owned banks are also involved in usury,
the total money involved can not unfathomable.

Tian Xie: “I think the money in question has gone into
the private lending market, which is now totally out of control.
Monthly interest rates range from 3 percent, to 6 percent,
and all the way up to 15 percent, which is unbearably high!
Think about it, with a monthly interest of 15 percent,
the annual interest rate would be 180 percent, meaning,
for every $100 loaned, $280 would need to be paid back.
This is usury, and even super-usury!”

On September 22, NTD TV’s report, Chairman of Center
Optical Group On the Run, revealed that the chairman of
the Zhejian Province eyeglass industry, Hu Fulin,
has fled to the United States.
According to a report by an executive member of the Center
Optical Group, Hu Fulin is 2 billion Yuan (US$313 million)
in arrears on his loans, including a 800 million Yuan
(US$125 million) bank loan, and a 1.2 billion Yuan (US$187.8 million) private usury loan.
His interest payments run close to 30 million Yuan
(US$4.69 million), per month.

From January through September, more than 20 companies
closed down in Wenzhou City, China, due to owners defaulting on their usury loans and skipping town.
This trend is spreading to other cities as well, such as:
Hangzhou, Ningbo, Taizhou, and Quzhou, etc.

According to the report, A Survey on Private Lending,
conducted by the Central Branch of People’s Bank of Wenzhou,
89 percent of individuals and 59.67 percent of the companies
surveyed are involved, in some way, with private lending.

As indicated in author Tong Dahuan’s article, Who Stirred
the Civil Usury Muddy Water, a China Business reporter found
that whether it is bank funds, or private owned capital,
to grant small credit loans or to serve as a loan guarantee,
when it involves usury, very little of it goes back into the industry.
The so-called ‘usury-critical situation’ is just another case
of banks and state-owned enterprises being at the top of
the usury-loan chain.

Southern Weekend commentator, Li Tie, wrote in a blog titled,
Who’s the Only Beneficiaries of the Chinese Usury?
that small and medium enterprises are the real victims of
the private usury industry, with consumers also being forced
to share in the enterprises’ resulting high operating costs.
The instability caused by the high risk is also threatening
the survival of the borrowers.
“Local government officials, the judiciary branch, and bank
officials, are also involved in the mix, as an inevitable result of monopolized finance.
The financial elite are perhaps the only real beneficiaries
in the usury chain.”

Professor Tian Xie indicated that usury is worse than a glass of
poisoned wine to small and medium lending enterprises.
Once the financial bubble collapses,
it will surely lead to social unrest.

Tian Xie: “The more money that’s at stake, the bigger
the bubble will get; making for a very volatile situation, which could eventually destroy China’s financial markets.
As the bubble gets bigger—snowballing out of control—
the money on reserve will not be able to keep up.
Thus, the borrowed money will not be able to be paid back,
resulting in a sudden collapse of the whole system.
In such a financial crisis,
many people will surely commit suicide.
This will immediately destroy the stock market and
real estate market; and people who know the reality will be terrified."

Professor Tian Xie said that it’s only a matter of time before
China’s financial bubble bursts. And when it does, even the government won’t be able to stop it.

NTD reporters Zhao Xingru, Wu Wei and Wang Mingyu
