

“核安全信息交流中心”发起人何岸泉笑谈“王立军事件”,并用“网络游戏”这个笔名向《博讯网》投稿,文章题为《 王立军在美领馆内24小时情景还原》。随后,一篇内容雷同的《王立军逃亡美领馆全过程》的短文,以微博的形式在网路上流转,并被大量转载,甚至被翻译成英文。还被许多媒体引用。











Wang Lijun’s Asylum the Only Reason for His Actions?

Since Wang Lijun’s fleeing incident was exposed, the reason
for his consulate visit gains the focus of public speculations.
Why did Wang leave the US consulate “of his own volition”?
Why the US side did not complain about Chongqing police’
illegal siege of the US consulate in Chengdu?
He An-quan, author of an online article “Full story of Wang
Lijun’s fleeing to the US consulate” analyses the incident.

He An-quan, sponsor of the nuclear safety information
exchange center, wrote an article about Wang Lijun’s fleeing.
Titled “Reverting Wang Lijun’s 24-hour in the US Consulate,”
the article was firstly published on Boxun.com.
Later, a passage of similar content was vastly reproduced
on the Chinese websites, even translated in English.

He, who is living in the US, tells NTD his personal views
on the doubts of Wang Lijun’s US consulate visit.
He views seeking political asylum
as Wang’s only reason for his actions.

He An-quan: “The consulate can provide
the political asylum.
That might be the reason why Wang went for broke to make
a consulate visit, to get away from Bo Xilai’s control.
If he had opted to cooperate with China’s regime, he could
go to the Central Committee or other places instead.
There’re lots of ways for him to report his life-threatening
plight to the Central Committee and government organs.
So I think that after he entered the US consulate,
he could surely apply for a political asylum.
He was not sure how his political asylum claim will go, is his
application proper or reasonable, is he eligible, but this was his only hope.”

He commented on US official’s claim that Wang left “of his
own volition,” and on the State Security Ministry involvement.

He An-quan: “I think after the US refused his political asylum,
Wang took the second best (option).
I guess he chose to remain in the consulate and contacted
the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) via the consulate or by himself.
Wang asked the Central Committee to send people to pick
him up and take him to Beijing to report the whole story.
He might mentioned about his unwillingness to see Bo
dealing with the incident.
So that’s the outcome we saw,
the (CCP) National Security’ men flew from Beijing.
Bo’s police forces were expelled, and the siege
of the US consulate was lifted. Wang was safely picked up.
But if Wang didn’t contact the Central Committee from
the US consulate but followed the normal procedure, he would have fallen into Bo’s hands again.”

He shared thoughts on whether somebody is behind Wang
Lijun’s case and why a CCP’s vice-ministerial level official would choose to trust the US, CCP’s rival?

He An-quan: “I guess that was his interim decision,
when he received death threats.
As he understood well the CCP, its princelings and Bo Xilai’s
cruelty, he resolutely defected to the US consulate.
The reality will prove his defection was a compelling choice,
and was the only correct way to protect his life.
In my view, his choice has something to do
with his personal character.
If other officials encountered this,
they would choose the suicide.
If you are asked to commit suicide, you have to do so.
If you fail to do so, then you would be thrown off a building.
There are a lot of such cases in China.

He (Wang) chose to flee, I think he is courageous to chose
to fight like Kilkenny cats. Many Chinese have no such guts.”

He An-quan thinks Wang Lijun’s incident
will intensify CCP’s infighting.
Though both factions will sit tight before Xi Jinping’ US visit.
After Xi’s return. the first axe will be thrown at Bo Xilai.
Will then the 14th Group Army, the old followers
of Bo’s father, step in to support Bo Xilai?

He An-quan: “Personal loyalty can be seen with the Chinese.
The army set up by his father seems to have such network.
But I think it’s useless – though these uncles or aunts
still hold positions in the army, I think this is of no use.
During the Cultural Revolution, we saw too many betrayals.
I don’t think in today’s China military forces will support Bo.
Bo made a show that he was supported by others.
That was merely his past.
Bo went to visit the army as a local army chief,
and the troops had no other choice.”

Did Wang Lijun apply for a political asylum or not?

He An-quan thinks that the US consulate will use this
as a bargaining chip for negotiation with the CCP regime.

NTD reporters Liu Hui and Xiao Yan
