【禁闻】两会前 中共打压维权 《新浪》删号


















Activists suppressed before Two Congresses:
Sina deletes accounts

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) will hold the Two
Congresses soon.
Many local governments are suppressing
human rights activists.
Many activists have been monitored, arrested at home
or held in hotels 24 hours a day.
This is done by so-called “stabilizing staff” dispatched
by local authorities.
China’s largest microblog website, Sina, is cooperating
actively by largely deleting user accounts and messages.
This has caused wide criticism from netizens.

On Feb. 27, ahead of the CCP’s upcoming annual
“Two Congresses,” authorities illegally combed through
the home of Shanghai City human rights activist
Feng Zhenghu’s home.
This was done in the name of “stabilization
during two congresses.”
Feng was deprived of personal freedom again.

A Shanghai petitioner, Wang Kouma, told NTD Television
that many petitioners went to Beijing.
They planned to appeal to the National People’s Congress
(NPC) on March 3.
They found that Feng’s home was combed through again
before they left.

Wang Kouma: “We went to Feng’s home.

Since it’s very strict during the Two Congresses, human rights
activists cannot leave their homes.
We were stopped by the police. Then the plain-clothes cops
put a cordon up.
We asked them what crime Feng committed, but they only
said it’s the command from higher authorities.”

Wu Tianli, a human rights activist in Fengtai District,
Beijing City, was also alerted by local police that since
March 1, she would be monitored 24 hours a day by police
along all the roads in Fengtai District.

Song Yuhua, who has been appealing for years in Hubei
Province since the forced demolition of her house, is also being monitored recently because of another petition.

Song Yuhua: “After I went to Beijing to petition, a friend and
I were held by Qingshan District Government for 24 hours.
We were detained at last because of petition.

Actually we didn’t get a chance to petition, but they detained
me for 5 days illegally.
After I came back from the detention center, a friend
visited me and got 3 ribs broken by the police.
So far, they still monitor me 24 hours a day in turn.”

According to an information source, Feng Wei, from
Jianchang County, Huludao City, Liaoning Province, was “held from petition” in Beijing.
Feng Wei was held with another petitioner, Yu Honggang,
from Rucheng County, Chenzhou City, Hunan Province.
Like many other petitioners being held, they were
detained in hotels with heavy guards.

Wang Weizhu, a petitioner from Fujian Province, who
appealed to the American Embassy in Beijing on February 27, is now detained in a ‘black hotel’.

Li Tiantian, a Shanghai human rights lawyer, was sent back
to Xinjiang Province for the Two Congresses “stabilization.”

Yang Lin, a peasant laborer from Sichuan Province,
who was injured in Shenzhen City, protested for his rights and got monitored, and was sent out of Shenzhen.

Before the Two Congresses, the authorities do not only
suppress human rights activists.
They have also intensified control of the internet, and many
major websites are blocking messages and deleting accounts.

Zan Aizong, a writer from Zhejiang Province whose account
got deleted by Sina Website on March 1, commented. That was the eighth microblog account.
He said that now Sina deletes accounts and messages without
even giving notice. Many netizens are criticizing its shamelessness.

Zan Aizong: “Sina is so shameless that it deletes your
stuff without notice, for many times.
Didn’t you start the real-name registration on Sina?

Everyone uses real name now, but it keeps deleting, then
what’s the real-name registration for?
Real-name registration is not its purpose, its real purpose is
to stop you from talking.
You can search the words of “shameless sina,” as many
netizens are writing to criticize the shamelessness of Sina.”

Because of Sina deleting messages and accounts, Zhao
Lianhai, an activist for “kidney stone babies” who left Sina last year, spoke out.
“Many human rights are not realized in China. People should
make their voices heard, instead of keeping silent.
Recently, some netizens sent out an open letter, “about
releasing the contact information of NPC representatives.”
It said in the letter that people cannot find their
representatives and don’t know who is representing them.
They require the CCP to release the contact information
of NPC representatives.

NTD reporters Li Yun and Guo Jing
